Saturday, March 29, 2008

Update #35 from Linda

Hello, everyone!

Steve's now all settled into his room in "6A" which is how everyone at the hospital refers to the rehab department. His first day was very tiring, but so good. At night it's very peaceful, as hospital rooms go, so he got lots of rest. The morning starts with a schedule being delivered around 8 AM which tells the patients their rehab plans for the day. Today he had OT (occupational therapy) for 45 minutes, 30 minutes to rest, PT (physical therapy) for 45 minutes, 30 minutes to rest, then OT for 45 minutes again. Most of what they did today involved assessing him, doing range of motion exercises, and deciding how to deal with the junk that still lurks in his lungs. Along the way two doctors also checked in. One asked what he can do to let us know that "he's in there". I described some things, and mentioned that he is trying to express emotions by blinking his left eye. He asked Steve to look up 3 times, and he did! The doctor suggested using this method of communication instead of blinking, so that's what we did for the rest of the day. I would tell him to look up if he wanted/needed something, and to just look at me if he didn't, then recite a list to him. For example, he looked upset and I asked if he was scared ("no"), in pain ("yes"). Then we went down a list of things that might be causing him pain, and discovered that his legs hurt. His nurse gave him some tylenol, and that took care of things. I also asked him if he knew he was in the hospital ("yes"), that he hurt his head ("yes"), and that he was getting better each day ("yes"). There were many times when he indicated "no" for my questions, so I felt pretty confident that we were really communicating. It was amazing.

We're hearing that, starting Monday, they'll actually take him to the "rehab gym" for some of his activities. Our plan is to get his schedule at 8 AM and post it in the blog. Then, if anyone wants to visit, you can just stop by when he's not busy (no need to call.) Of course, you can always call before coming, just to be sure of his schedule...whatever works best for you.

We are really excited to see what they can do for Steve in rehab. He spends his days in bed or in a chair...just to be taken to another floor and see some other people will be good for him. We're wondering what type of equipment is used for people in his situation. They will also be training us to do the things they do, so that we can better help him recover. We are so thankful that he has been given this opportunity!

I also want you to know how much we treasure the cards and notes you send. We have a basket for them in Steve's room and read them over and over again to ourselves and to him.

I hope all is well with all of you!

Love, Linda


RussLynnCody said...

Hi Steve,
It's Aunt Lynn and I just got home from the Mall, I know it's hard to believe, but I was shopping again!! Anyways, for some reason I bought this framed artwork that says, "Faith...Is being SURE of what you hope for and CERTAIN of what you do not see." And then I read your Mom's blog posting and it seems there was a reason I bought that particular artwork, becuase I SURE was hoping for good news and I know we haven't seen the best of you yet, but I am CERTAIN you will continue to amaze us all.
Aunt Lynn

Uncle Don said...

Evening Steve & Team Percha/Perkins & Stone!

Steve after seeing how your limbs were manuvered about this morning, it's no surprise your legs hurt!! It hurt just watching, and I had to leave for a bit. But, knowing how you enjoy working out, I know you were thinking, "no pain, no gain."

Sitting with you today was just awesome for me. Not only did I get some one on one with you, I got the chance to just watch you sleep and reflect. I thought of the times Aunt Gail and I would stay with you guys when your folks went out, usually on a road rally. and just the fun we had. You and Beth have always been the best of friends, even way back then. How you just loved to hang out with your Uncle's, Dad, and Gramps at the golf course in Muskegon. How you would hit the ball now and then, and as time went by, how you beat everyone so easily!

Bottom line is, you have always gotten stronger and better, but as with golf, it took determination, love for the task, and focus. I know that will again make those strides. You have the love for Danielle and your family, you are a determined young man (always have been), and you are always up for a challenge too! So rest up, and get ready to kick some ass this week, Steve Percha style! Long and lean, a true workout machine! Go Blue!!!

Anonymous said...

Steve - Uncle Don is right..the way they were moving you around yesterday morning, my legs would hurt too. In fact, my legs don't even move to the extent that yours do!! Maybe you and I can do some leg lifts together!

Take one day at a are amazing and I can see the determination on your face.

As you lots!!!!!

Aunt Gail

Anonymous said...

Steve this really sounds like a fantastic place for you to be. They will get you moving and coming around, they have the knowledge and techniques. Know that occupational therapists are sadists with your best interest at heart!! Makes for an interesting mix! I was reading about your first session and it made me think of my many months with an OT. She use to tell me go ahead and cuss, but not at me, to the walls, the matt or the ceiling is just fine. At first she and the work outs kicked my ass, and then I started to kick back. I was pissed off at first, that worked to get me through (the naps did too) and then I started to get stronger and that made the sessions much easier. Whatever works Steve, bring it and go for it. From all the blogs I have read on here, it sounds like that’s just what you will do.
God bless you and the team.
Sue Smith

Anonymous said...

WooHoo Steve!
Go Steve GO!
We are all with you in spirit.
Sending strength from your Walled Lake School Family, Peace, Marie Carriere

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda,Rob,Beth,Steve,Danielle and Gran ect.,
I have been reading the blog since the beginning. I pray for all of you everyday. You show so much strength. Steve is so lucky to have such a great family. Keep it up. Sounds like he can hear all your prayers. He gets strength from all of you. Sounds like he is on his road to recovery. Have faith. We are praying for him. Love, Jeff, Karen , Jessica and Chris Farr