Wednesday, March 19, 2008

update #25 from Linda

Hello, everyone! Steve is resting comfortably under the watchful eye of Grandma, and I headed to the waiting room to post this.

They weighed him last night and I was totally freaked out to discover that he weighs 145...he's lost at least 40 pounds. I spoke with doctors and they said that's just how things work when muscles aren't used. He's getting enough nutrition. They did say that his elevated heart rate is causing his metabolism to work faster, and they're going to lower that some with a beta blocker. He already gets that treatment, but they'll add a little more. I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts/advice regarding this issue??

As far as visitors go, please feel free to stop by. You don't need to call...someone is almost always here. You'll find us in the waiting room or in Steve's room. He's at the UM Hospital - Taubman Center - first floor - trauma and burn ICU. There's a phone in the hallway - they ask you to call before entering - just give his name and they'll make sure it's OK to come back. The only restricted hours are 7-8 both in the AM and PM while nurses change shifts. Also Monday AM from 8-10. We do ask that only healthy people visit, as he continues to have infection issues. Also, they have hand sanitizer in the room for everyone to use. Thanks! We look forward to seeing you!

Am also looking for thoughts regarding the next step in this journey. Steve is in the ICU and in need of nursing care for his trach, pegg, fevers, etc. Because he responds so little, they do not view him as a candidate for acute rehab in the hospital at this time. When he's ready to leave the ICU they talk of sending him to sub acute rehab in an off site facility. Our feeling is that he needs to stay here until his health is stabalized. Once that happens we think they'll see a level of responsiveness that they're not seeing from a sick and weak Steve. They gave us the name of a rehab place and we was unacceptable for many reasons. So - we're looking for your thoughts, and maybe your experience, in dealing with this issue. Part of it is probably navigating the insurance system and part is finding a good facility if we get to that point, although we hope that doesn't happen. We'd appreciate any info/insight/opinions/knowledge/experience you have!

As always, thank you for your friendship and support.



Cheryl Percha said...

Your family is constantly in our thoughts.....this morning I saw something on the today show and thought possibly it could provide some helpful information on the rehab part of Steve's recovery. The sight is called - and although it does not directly relate to Steve's present situation I thought it might have some helpful ideas with his rehabilation.
Please let us know if there is anything that we can do for you to help. Cheryl and Tom Percha

Anonymous said...

I have been on line reading sites posted by people that have had head trama in their lives (brothers, sisters, husbands, children, etc..). These sites could be helpful with the type of info your looking for. They were helpful as far as reading about what has been happening with Steve so far. Every site was different. I will go back out to those sites and see what I can find. Could be some local info to be had. Never hurts to look.
I will let you know.
Love and Prayers to you all,