Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Update #31 from Grams, Beth, and Linda

Hello! Steve has had a busy day.

After he spent 6 hours sitting in a chair and had his PICC line removed, the physical and occupational therapists showed up. They asked him if he wanted to do some therapy and he blinked to signal "yes". We're glad that he's motivated enough to do that sort of thing, even when he's exhausted! The therapists sat him on the edge of the bed and pounded on his back to clear up his lungs. When asked, he: stuck out his tongue, gave them "thumbs up", held up 2 fingers, and tried to lift his right hand. Pretty amazing!

Another piece of good news is that Steve is finished with his course of antibiotics.

He'll be moving to rehab as soon as they can find him a private room there!!

Have a good night, everyone.
Grams, Beth, and Linda


Anonymous said...

I am tearing up, they are tears of joy. What a GREAT day you have had and what a GREAT MAN you are. You amaze me. Keep going for it Steve.

Unknown said...

Such great news. It won't be long now before all of you get to see his smile once again. Keep up the strength!
Love and prayers from all of us.

Uncle Don said...

WOW! Like Sue stated, I am tearing up. How wonderful this is that our guy is giving a thumbs up! This again is great news to end the day, just like the day began, with Rob's news.

Our God is an AWESOME GOD! Let us all continue to be thankful for those that touch our lives, and make us who we are today, and let them know how much they mean to us. Let us proceed in our life with no regrets.

Remember....PRAYER is the power that MIRACLES are made of!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea! I am so excited for Steve and the rest of the family! It is so wonderful to know that he is making such great progress. We have all been saying what a strong guy Steve is and this news proves that he is going to continue to work harder and get stronger.
I've been able to spend time with some of the family and my sister in the past few weeks and I have to say that I'm not surprised that Steve is being so strong. He has a wonderful support system right there by his side! My prayers are with Steve, the family, and Danielle!
Keep Going Steve!
Jessie Stone

Anonymous said...

Great job, Steve! Keep fighting! Many prayers...
-Brian Wolak & Katie Watson

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for keeping us updated...we think of all of you constantly and check the blog continuously for the updates. Such happy news.


Anonymous said...

Have him blink 1time for no and 2 times for yes. Tell them you what a feeling broad. It has feelings on one side and the a b c s on the other side.You will find that you can talk to him with this broad.That is what I did with my son when he could not talk.
Bonnie pittaway

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely INCREDIBLE!! I can't even express how excited I am for Steve-o. My eyes are filled with tears of joy! I love you Steve-o...keep up the good work!! God Bless your famiy and Danielle for standing by your side day in and day out. You are still all in my thoughts and prayers :)


Linda said...

Thank you, Bonnie. We'll ask the occupational therapist about getting a feeling board! I didn't realize there was such a thing.

ali said...

Hey Perchas!

I'm glad to hear about Steve's progress. I wish I could visit, but I'm confident that by the time I'm back in the states that Steve will be able to tell me all about things himself. You all remain in my thoughts.

Ali Olsen

Anonymous said...

How glorious, how wonderful. We thank God for the progress He has helped Steve achieve and ask that He walk with him daily on the journey back to good health.

The Totten Family

Anonymous said...


My name is Gina. I am one of Steve's very good friends. I suppose I have kind of been in denial about all of this, and I've been afraid to know what's going on. I feel really bad about that. I was hoping you could tell Steve that I miss him and I pray for him and I think about him every day, and it's so amazing to see the progress he's making.

I would really like to come visit him. Is that possible? How would I do that?

Please tell Steve I love him,


Linda said...

Gina - we'll give Steve your message. If you want to stop by today, he's in the trauma/burn dept., Taubman building, UofM hospital. You can visit anytime except 7-8, when the nurses change shifts. Use parking structure A. Tomorrow AM he'll be moved to rehab. We don't know the visiting situation there, but will post it as soon as we find out.