Saturday, March 29, 2008

Update#34 from Rob

Linda is staying with Steve tonight, so I will do the update.

Steve has been moved to the Acute Rehab section of U of M hospital. He is in room 6111. Visiting is very flexible as long as we respect the other patients. He has his own room. He will be in the various rehab activities for 1.5 hours in the morning and then again in the afternoon. I would suggest calling Rob (248-568-6092), or Lin(249-568-6091), before coming up, until we see his schedule.

Steve continues to exhibit "purposeful movement" of his feet, hands and arms. He also seems to track more with his left eye, and is actually trying to turn his head.

Thank You all for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I came downstairs this morning and my dad was reading the Blog. I knew that there was a new message becasue I saw #33 was the last one yesterday. I asked my dad if I could read #34. All I can say is "Cool !!!!!!!!!!"


Your cousin Ryan