Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A good day

Just left Steve's room. Is wiggling toes on his right foot, and 4 toes (weakly - but they're moving) on his left. No movement in his left hand, but pretty strong squeezing with the right. Also was awake for a good part of the day, and tracking with his eye. At one point a chaplain came into his room and called Steve's name...he turned his head about 20 degrees to see him.

We dragged his nurse into his room just now so she could see what we were seeing and document it! We want to make sure the doctors and rehab people know what he is capable of.

Have a good night everyone!
Linda and Rob


Anonymous said...

Yaaaaaayyyyyy!!! I can "hear" the excitement in your words, Linda! How wonderful to hear such good news. I just talked to Dani, on her way home from the hospital. How nice to hear how excited she was to give the good news of Steve's activity today!
I want to share with you how far reaching Steve's story is. Although you've undoubtedly heard many of these's one more. I had dinner tonight with a good friend that I used to work with. He has, along with his wife, kept up on your blog, and he has continually conveyed their thoughts and prayers to me. They don't know you or Steve, but recent events in their own lives, along with our friendship, bring their hearts close to what is happening in ours now. There are so many of our friends and family, because of their love for Danielle, are praying for a good recovery for Steve.
The rippling effect that occurs in our lives is fascinating, and we are constantly reminded that through the many, many people that know and love Steve, many more beyond that have been affected by his story. The collective power of love of family and friends is so far reaching, and all that love (and prayer) is coming your way!!!

Anonymous said...

Of course this is because of the foot massage I gave Steve owe me Steve!..Just kidding.

With kidding aside, I am so glad that Katie and I could visit Steve on one of his good days. This was the first time that we saw him since the accident. It was a pleasure meeting Mr.& Mrs. Percha along with his Aunt, Uncle, cousin & Grandma. It is so special to see this family pull together for each other. You are constantly in our prayers.

We were so encouraged when sitting with Daniel for dinner to hear the phone call from Mrs. Percha about Steve moving his toes. Of course this needs to be taken in stride with the understanding that there are going to be ups and downs. However, it was somewhat overwhelming to sit there and feel so encouraged about this just after seeing him.

Steve, you're in our thoughts and prayers every day. I know my jokes were bad today, but maybe you can critique then soon!

PS: I would like to comment on what a woman Danielle is..I haven't physically been there to observe her daily, but her great attitude, patients, and love is just overflowing from every ounce of her. Although we cannot completely relate to how you (Danielle) are feeling inside, just know that you are constantly in our prayers and here for anything you need.

(Of course this goes for the Percha family & Steve too!)

Much love,
Brian Wolak & Katie Watson

Anonymous said...

Its 12:15 a.m. and I just got home from work and what a GREAT way to end the day. Steve we all love you very much and we have no doubt that you will pull through this. I have to read this exciting news one more time before bed. We will be seeing you soon. Uncle Dave

Uncle Don said...

Remember the old radio commercial; Sunday....Sunday.....Sunday.....??
or the old Jackson 5 song; "Can You Feel It?".

We are almost there Buddy! Of course, sooner than Sunday would be freaking awesome too!

Love You Bunches!
Uncle Don

Uncle Don said...

OK Steve.....sounds like you're ready for a good old game of "this little piggy went to market". :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, hey, hey, what wonderful news to hear about Steve's activity today! We continue to pray and believe that God will raise him up in His own time, but Easter Sunday would be a great day!! We can only imagine what Steve's family and Danielle are going through, but our thoughts and prayers of support and for healing are there with you at all times. May God bless you all this day in a very special way...

Grandma and Grandpa Stone

Anonymous said...

How lucky was I to take care of Steve last night and get to see him wiggle his toes and squeeze his mom's hand?? Thank you for the opportunity :) Jen O. (A WLW Warrior...but WLC Vikings are cool too!)

Anonymous said...

Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others.

- Winston Churchill

Steve, you are our hero and you provide inspiration to each of us !!!

Love, Uncle Rick and Aunt Cheryl

Rob said...

Jen, O

Outstanding medical people like yourself and the others that I have seen help my son are COOL Too!

Thanks Much

Rob Percha

RussLynnCody said...

We may not always say the right things to you at the right time,sometimes we will try to make you laugh when all you want to do is cry. But no matter what we will be there through it all, tears, fears, joy and laughter because at the end of the day it's all about love, faith, family and friends. Just know that we are constantly in awe of your determination!
Love Aunt Lynn, Uncle Russ & Cody