Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Update #14 from Beth and Linda

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update for today. Not much is new; Steve was off the ventilator for several hours today and moved into a bed position resembling a reclining chair. He still has fluid in his left lung, but unfortunately cannot be rotated to the right to allow that to drain. He was also fitted for a helmet today, which he will wear until his skull flap can be reattached (weeks down the road). The helmet should arrive tomorrow, which will be nice because he will then be able to be turned onto his right side.

We also wanted to mention, as we will be home soon (and that will be the first time many of you see Steve), that he has lost a lot of weight. That, combined with the recent decrease in swelling of his head, has led to a rather gaunt appearance. The right side of his head is also noticeably "caved in", but we have been assured that this is normal and expected. To understand how this looks, you may find it helpful to consult pictures of Bob Woodruff in the weeks following his injury in Iraq.

Thanks to all the friends and family who have sent cards and mementos for Steve's room. It is definitely the most festive room in the entire ICU. Steve has also been "adopted" by many of the techs and nurses, who stop by frequently to visit him. One story in particular is pretty funny. About a week ago, a tech named David stopped by Steve's room while Beth was sitting there. He is from Barbados, and was joking to Steve about how he should wake up so he could go hang out on the beach in Barbados with the "chicks". Beth helpfully pointed out that Steve already has a "chick". Not missing a beat, David replied...

"That don't mean he can't have another!"

He met Danielle the next day, with predictable consequences. :)

More soon,
Beth and Linda


Jackoathout said...

Hi beth linda and rob. I have not seen you all in a long time this is jack oathout. I'm so sorry to hear about steve. We have a lot of fun toghter when we were kids. My mother just got all this info to me and I have read about all steves progress and it sounds like he is doing very well. I hope all the planes go through so you guys can take him home to michigan. My thoughts and prayes are with you and steve. Tell him hi and to get well soon.

itskels said...
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Unknown said...

Good morning Percha family,


Happy belated birthday! I'm praying for you and my family is joining me in that prayer. You can do this - I know you can. The world needs your energy and contagious enthusiasm!

Beth, Linda, Rob, and Danielle,

My prayers and thoughts are with you as well. I shared Steve's information with my Mom and her eyes said it all - I know her thoughts and prayers are with you all as well. The updates you have posted show the strength and support you have found in yourself and that alone is inspiration to me. I can't imagine being in your situation and still showing the strength that I feel in your words. I know you that I have never met you and may never have the opportunity to do so but you are an inspiration and example to me.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all! You can do this Steve!


Uncle Don said...


Rock on kido...rock on! I am comming out Friday to see you....can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Danielle,when Steve is recovered, you and he should definitely visit Barbados! Not for the "chicks", but for the beautiful beaches and wonderful people!
Linda K

Anonymous said...

Hey neighbors...

My dad called Kim and I shortly after he heard the story of Steve. He knew that we all would want to get praying with you for restoration of your family. We know how desperate these times can feel but we also KNOW that God is good to send healing. Know that our family is sending mountains of love and prayers your way.

BTW...we are specifically praising God for the doctors He has selected for you. When we first heard what you were dealing with...I mentioned Bob Woodruffs accident and we agreed "if only Steve could see that doctor." His details sounded so much like the story I'd heard Bob tell on Oprah. What an amazing gift to have him on your team.

To the army of caregivers...keep on keeping on. You too are in my daily thoughts and prayers.

Jen (Kogowski) Doucet

Anonymous said...

Dear Steve, Percha family, and our beautiful granddaughter,Danielle

We had the priviledge of meeting Steve on February 10th and were immediately impressed. Of course, we had heard a lot about him before that! It was plain to see how much he and Danielle cared for one another.

We have been watching the blog with so many others who share a great interest in Steve's recovery. So many people are praying including ourselves, our church, and hundreds of people across the country that we don't even know, are praying for Steve by name. In addition, two very godly people have told us that during their prayer for
Steve, they saw a vision of him walking upright, whole once again. We hope this encourages you as it does us. We serve an AWESOME GOD and we know that He can do anything! We are certain He is doing a miracle in Steve's life, there is NO OTHER EXPLANATION for the improvement that has already taken place in Steve's brain. Isn't it amazing that God also provided just the right doctor when Steve was admitted to the hospital? Believe in God, keep looking up and expecting great things!

Ron and Arlene Stone, Danielle's grandparents.

Danielle, we love you and are SO PROUD of you!

Steve, go forward with God!

RussLynnCody said...

RussLynnCody said...
Hi Steve,
Like every tree has it's branches, every tree also has the roots beneath it to help it stand strong and grow and become tall and mighty despite strong winds, snow, sleet, hail and all the elements...the roots beneath this family holding it up strong is your Grandma Perkins. She rushed to your side along with Mom, Dad, Beth and Danielle and she has not budged nor wavered no matter how strong the winds have been. Her faith in God and her faith in you have given this family the strength and resolve we need to see you through this journey. So, since you can't but I know you would, I will say it for you,
"Thank you Grandma Perkins, for always being there when we need you most."

itskels said...

Hello Percha Family--

I have been keeping up to date with Steve's blog and wanted to comment with my sincerest and warmest prayers and positive energy for Steve, from myself, Riley and my mother.

We have all known Steve since we moved to Commerce years ago--2nd grade to be exact. Steve and I had Mrs. Satovsky together and I have the most distinct memory from those first few weeks of school at OPE. Steve and I were both assigned to be the news reporters, where we would bring in the news from the weekend to share with the class. We were the first two students to go for the year and thus had to set the bar...well did Steve ever! I think I had a mere clipping whereas Steve brought in a whole poster full of news clips to present!

That's just one example of what a strong, hardworking individual Steve has always been. From graduation from OPE to our graduation together from the University of Michigan, Steve has always been a kind, sincere, and friendly face in my life. My thoughts are with Steve, family, and friends as he continues with his recovery. I will continue to dedicate my mediation and other wellness practice to Steve.

Love, Kelsey