Saturday, May 31, 2008

another surgery update from Linda

Hi! For those of you who were wondering about the "last minute" surgery....we thought we had an appointment to discuss possible surgery with neuro surgeons at noon on Friday. Thursday AM we found out that surgery had, in fact, been scheduled for 7:30 Friday AM! A bit of a scramble to get our bearings, have questions answered, and get x-rays and CT scan for Steve. But everything fell into place and we didn't really have time to worry, so it all worked out for the best.

He's been in heavy duty pain, both in his head and his abdomen (where the bone flap was stored). On a scale of 1-10, he came out of surgery reporting a 10 for his head. They kept him pretty drugged up, but his head seemed to clear a bit around 2:30 this morning. After that we could alternate pain meds (rather than double dosing him), he could write notes, was more patient, etc. I left the hospital a couple hours ago, and he reports head pain of 8 and abdominal pain of 7, which isn't great but is a big improvement. They plan to take the abdominal drain out tonight, and the head drain and head bandage (which is huge and tight) tomorrow. They're keeping him in the ICU again tonight because of the head drain. But we have watched him get better and better as the day went by, so I'm sure he'll be up and around before we know it. His PT (Tim), Speech Therapist (Laura) and Nurse (Christy) all came by to nice of them and encouraging to him.

One more huge step on the road to recovery!

Take care!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Come on Steve!!!! It is just amazing to see and hear of your determination and your pain tolerance. We know you will be up and about soon and will probably be out jogging around the town with Beth, instead of her trying to push that big boy up hill on an "esacape journey" from the hospital. I know a lot of people don't want rememberances of this event, but maybe you do. You may be down in the dumps one day and look back at that helmet and it might change his frame of mind never know. I know it's a long way off, but you could always use it for an Easter Basket next year when you are able to eat chocolate, and jelly beans, and put a Pappadeaux resturant gift card in there (they have them here, and in the summer they have an all you can eat whole lobster feast)...I went with a bunch of ladies and ate 6 or 7, the leader had 11, not bad for a woman!!! Or maybe they will have to bring you here and we can take you to dinner.
How are you feeling are in our thoughts and prayer!!! It was great to see all of you and I know Steve was happy to see us, and he will see Uncle Rick, and Ryan and friends again in a few weeks. Keep the visitors coming..he just loves to see people, and be talk, and laugh, you could tell he was just so happy, which is more than I can say about some of the other people on that floor. Steve, keep up the hard work, and Get Well Soon...your an amazing inspiration!!!! Lot's of Love (Aunt) Cheryl, Uncle Rick, Alyssa, Alexis and Ryan...

GO WINGS!!!! And we want to see you in that Georgia shirt next time we visit...your now a Bulldog fan!! Your roots are Michigan, but your other home can be with us in our home and hearts in Georgia!!!

Uncle Don said...

Inspirational....that is what you are Steve. If someone were to ask me what word describes you, INSPIRATIONAL, would say it all. You and your journey are giving folks hope in the struggles they face. You are showing that what is deemed by some to be unachievable, you achieve. Keep pushing forward! As a friend of mine always says...Onward!

Love you!
Uncle Don & Aunt Gail

Anonymous said...

Team Percha,

Anything new to report? How is Steve doing? Is he back up on the rehab floor today?