Thursday, May 1, 2008

Update #59 from Linda

Hello! Just returned from the hospital (Beth has the overnight) and thought I'd let you know a few things that are happening with Steve.

One pretty amazing thing is that he likes going to therapy, especially physical therapy. It's such hard, and often painful, work, but he truly seems to look forward to it. He also likes wearing a shoulder brace they got for him, and a brace for his left hand. I really think he understands that these things will help him get well, and he's glad to take them on. The other day I took him to PT a little early and pointed out some people with other injuries...some who can't (and probably never will) move their legs, hands, etc. I commented that he's so lucky to have an injury like he does compared to some others, since he'll eventually be able to move everything again. His eyes got really wide and he gave me a "thumbs up" was quite a moment.

Communication is a combination of hand signals, eye signals, and writing. There's not much we can't figure out. Tonight he wrote "this means higher" then pointed at the ceiling. It turns out that he was trying to scratch the top of his head and couldn't reach...wanted us to lift his arm higher so that he could! So now we know what that signal means! Rehab engineering gave him a computer loaded with a program that scans letters and he clicks on them to write messages. Writing with a pen and paper is much faster for him, but it's fun to use the computer and works on hand/eye coordination. Beth put a program on his computer where he can use a cordless mouse to click on letters and phrases to write messages...we haven't had much time to try it out yet, but plan to this weekend. We also used the computer in the dayroom and checked his email and got on facebook. He had to write his passwords and let me enter them for was obvious that he didn't want to do this, but agreed to after I assured him I wouldn't snoop! I had to do all the clicking, etc. but he enjoyed sitting in front of a computer again.

As Danielle said, we are more than thrilled with the news that our discharge date has been moved farther into the future. I explained this to Steve and told him that it's because he's working so hard and making such good progress. He understands that the goal is to get him well and then home.

You know we've mentioned that Steve's surgeon also operated on Bob Woodruff. Well, Bob Woodruff spoke at UofM commencement last weekend, and Steve's speech therapist arranged for him to sign a book for Steve. She also took the book when she went to Washington, D.C. last week to pick up her daughter, called Dr. Armonda (the surgeon), spoke with him, and then met him so that he could also sign the book and pose for a picture. She presented this to Steve on Tuesday. It was such an amazing act of kindness on her part, and the book is a treasure Steve will have forever. Thank you, Laura! Here are the messages that were written: "To Steve and Family - It has been an honor to be part of Steve's care! Through the love of his family, skill of his therapists, and support of friends we look forward to his continued recovery. Dr. Rocco Armonda" and "To Steve and Family - In so many ways we are now brothers, TBI brothers. This is a long road to recovery but it happens. Keep up the fight. Yours, Bob Woodruff (and Rocco is the best surgeon!)"

One other thing that's on my mind is the overwhelming gratitude we feel for all of you who take the time to read this and offer support in so many ways. This is a life changing and exhausting journey and we truly gain strength from you. Every thought, prayer, and other kindness is treasured and appreciated by all of us.

Take care of yourselves!


Uncle Don said...

Linda & Rob,

I know the days in which Gail & I find the most peace, are the times we visit with Steve. First off, we feel much better seeing his progress, and the laughter you all bring via the stories from the weeks sessions. i.e. "I can't swallow on command!" Steve's note to one of his therapists.

I can remember how un-peaceful things were for me when everyone was in Maryland, not knowing or seeing what was happening. The feeling experienced now, outshines those moments and to be honest,they outshine my day to day events at work or home. I just love hanging out with Steve. As said before, to see him smile just melts ones heart!

Keep up the good fight, and may God's Peace be with you all!

Anonymous said...

Linda & the rest of the Percha team - thanks so much for the words you continue to write, allowing us to feel like we're part of Steve's recovery! I, like others, laugh, tear, learn & hope with each entry you write. We, in turn, continue to admire you - not for the burden you and Steve are carrying - but for the way you are approaching it with such hope and determination. It's no wonder that Steve has such strength - he most certainly came by it naturally. See you soon, Laury
P.S. I love that Steve is smiling again!

Anonymous said...

Linda: I try to check the blog every day and am constantly amazed and uplifted by the tremendous progress your son is making. Please know that all of you are in my prayers.

Patty Smith (Keith Elementary, WL Central)

Anonymous said...

To all of you....thanks so much for continuing to post on the blog. I still check it several times a day hoping for any morsel of an update. Thanks and have a great week-end.


Denise said...

Rob and Linda,
Happy Anniversary yesterday! I check the blog daily and keep up with Stephen's progress. I know the best present he can give you is to get better and let you see signs of that happenening each and every day. You all are doing remarkably well and we are proud of all of you. Someone once told me that God never sends us more than we can handle. I kept the thought in mind. I sometimes wished I wasn't so strong but, used the wisdom to get through some tough times too. You have our prayers and love.
Denise & Dennis too

Anonymous said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo Steve !!!!


Uncle Rick