Tuesday, May 13, 2008

update #63 from Linda

Hello! Steve walked today. I can hardly believe I am able to write those words, but it's true. He supported his arms on a sort of tall table on wheels, held onto the handles, and started walking. The PT people told him what to do - "step forward with your right foot, lock your right knee, step forward with your left foot, etc." After a couple minutes of this he just got into the rhythm, and slowly walked two thirds of the way around the room! The place was going crazy, from PT people to doctors to other patients. Amazing.

One of the other patients (and one of Steve's biggest cheerleaders) is a man named Ron who lost an arm and a leg in a motorcycle accident. He's pretty loud and very funny, and Steve loves being around him. Today Ron told me that when he was hurt he just couldn't believe that he was the person laying there so injured. But when his friends and family surrounded him and supported him, it helped him come to terms with what had happened to him and made him believe that everything would be OK. It was interesting to hear that from the perspective of someone who had been through such a challenging situation. I'm sure Steve is thanking every one of you for your support and your love!

After therapy we got on the computer, which we had done before without much success. But this time he was able to read a couple messages (from his friend Ryan and from Uncle Rick) and could maneuver the mouse a little and click on a few things on Facebook. I think part of his success was due to increased control over his right hand, and part was due to better vision. His right eye is open so much more now and tracking better He also decided to wear his glasses even though they're uncomfortable. I'm sure that helped.

Speaking of glasses, someone from the Kellogg Eye Institute in Ann Arbor is coming tomorrow AM with a selection of frames and they're going to make him a new pair. We were able to track down his latest prescription...he had his eyes examined last fall in Las Vegas when he lost his contact and didn't have any spares...a long story! But that place faxed us his prescription, the Kellogg people were kind enough to bring frames to the hospital, and Danielle (yeah!) is going to help him order his new glasses. His vision problems could involve more than just glasses, but it's a good first step.

The doctors decided to x-ray his shoulders today to see if bone spurs might be forming in his left one. It gives him significant pain which could be "tone" - something connected to his brain injury - or it could be something else. Just checking this out. We'll let you know the results.

Goodnight, everyone, and take care!


Anonymous said...


I am sitting here in the Black Hills region of South Dakota with a group of co-workers. On a number of occasions I have had the opportunity to update folks who inquiried on your progress. Complete strangers to you, but folks who have followed your journey and hung on every word. Folks who smiled brightly at your progress and all made a point to let you know that they are thinking of you and praying for continued recover. I wish all 23 of them were sitting with me now as I read this latest update. One co-worker (Melissa) put it perfect as she said to never forget the "fragile gift of life" that we all share. This is truly a wonderful day.

Uncle Don said...

A desire can overcome all objections and obstacles.
Author: Gunderson


Each day you continue show such a strong desire (but then again, you have shown this desire from the beginning of your journey). Daily you have conquered many obstacles to get to this newest point, WALKING!!

We all knew this day would come. Remember the phrase, "one step at a time". Build on each triumph, don't rush perfection! Remember, God, along with all of our prayers, have your back. With His support, you will not fail!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

When I read this this morning I wanted to jump on the desk and give a loud cowboy "YaHOOOOO".

What a great day!

Anonymous said...

GET IT Steve!!!!!! AHH! I'm so proud of you! Keep working hard!

Love, Claire

Anonymous said...

I'm soooooo happy to hear the good news of recent. We have thought about you often and have said many prayers. You don't know us but I feel like we know you thru your Aunt Kathie.
Great days are hear to stay.
Biloxi, MS

Anonymous said...

I'm soooooo happy to hear the good news of recent. We have thought about you often and have said many prayers. You don't know us but I feel like we know you thru your Aunt Kathie.
Great days are hear to stay.
Biloxi, MS

Anonymous said...

I recently tore out a headline from the the sports section of our newspaper and clipped it to my refrigerator for my kids to see everyday and be inspired by an underdog team who made it big. It reads, "What makes miracles? Work!

Now I need to replace that outdated bit of paper with the story of Steve Percha - a young man, a family, and caregivers who have all worked together to again bring those words to life.

I'm very happy for you all.


Anonymous said...

Steve-o!!! I heard Karma Chameleon today..haha...and it reminded me of driving back from snowboarding last year...and you jammin in the driver's seat to that song haha!! I then realized that I hadn't checked the blog in a couple days so immediately checked it and saw that you walked yesterday!! I am so proud of you Steve-o!!! Keep up the good work buddy!!! I will come visit soon :) Miss ya!!!


Anonymous said...

STEVE-O!!! I can't tell you how excited I am for you to finally be walking! AH! I'm giggling like a little curly haired school girl. :) I'm so proud of you! All that hard work and determination is paying off. Keep it up! Leigh and I will come visit soon. Miss you!!
