Tuesday, April 1, 2008

update #38 from Linda

Hello, everyone. Another busy day in rehab - OT, speech, PT in the morning...OT and PT in the afternoon. We are going places and meeting with people from 8 AM until 5 PM. So - visits in the evenings and weekends would be the best for now!

They're working with Steve on supporting his head, which is easier said than done, as he is wearing a heavy helmet while trying to do this. Had him on a tilt table today - his blood pressure did just fine, which is something they were concerned with. The speech therapist is trying to have him talk by covering his trach. He makes some sounds, which is a good first step. He's been dealing with quite a lot of pain as these muscles, etc. get used, but a regular dose of tylenol seems to take the edge off. Already today it was evident that the pain factor has lessened.

Some people are wondering if Steve is still considered to be in a coma...I asked that question today and was told the best way to describe it is to say that he is slowly emerging from one. I also asked about all the exercising they have him do - is that to help him come out of his coma, or to give him strength so that he'll be in better shape when he comes out of it. The answer was that he'll need the strength for later, but that studies have also shown that using his muscles reminds his brain that those muscles are part of him, so it can help him in that way, too. They often ask Steve to look at his hand, etc. so that he can make the connection that it belongs to him. I know this sounds a little strange, but I thought you might find it interesting.

Have a good night!


Uncle Don said...


Thank you for sharing. Personally, I find none of the information you share strange, only educational. It is amazing how much people are learning from Steve's journey through you and Team Percha. Please, never hesitate in sharing information, no matter how strange it may seem, we WANT to know!!
Love Always,
Uncle Don (DD)or (FSIL)

Anonymous said...

Uncle Don is right....we appreciate the updates. I check the blog many times during the day hoping for some news. Thank you so much for keeping us up to date.


Anonymous said...

Linda, I agree. I read the blog every day and appreciate every little bit of info. I find it amazing and informative. You may not here from everybody who reads this blog but just know that we are out here and still pulling for Steve and sending lots of prayers up for him. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
Take good care,
Mary Zechar

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,
I am Jason Call's mom, Jodi Call. I am so sad to hear of Steve's accident. I think of him all the time since i heard of this accident. I am praying for Steve and his family...
Stay strong..and you have a lot of people praying and pulling for you that you don't even know about..that is one of the reasons i am writing..to let you know i'm thinking of Steve and want him to stay strong and he will overcome this.
Thank you for the updates regarding Steve.


Anonymous said...

Hi. I am Danielle's uncle Ron. I
would like to say how much it meant
to me to go see Steve, his mom and
grams, and Danielle to share my story
of being in a coma and recovering
after therapy. Steve is much younger
and I hope this is active in helping
him out to recover. His updates seem
to be getting better with him writing
and becoming more active which is a
huge step in the right direction.
I hope I was an inspiration to show
Steve's family things can get better with time and peoples prayers (as I see alot of
people are doing).
God bless as Steve is in our
prayers, and if we can do ANYTHING
feel free to call.
Ron, Kim, Kayleigh and Ronny