Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Update #44 from Linda and Grams

Hello! Steve is resting so I thought I'd let you know what went on in OT today. He worked with "Patrick" who used a machine that stimulated the nerves in his arms and hands, with the hope that the nerves would keep firing even after the stimulation stopped. Steve was able to flip his right hand over numerous times, his left hand was more of a struggle (but he could flip it in one direction), make fists, straighten his fingers out (this was harder), and do a bicep curl with his right arm/hand. Patrick told Steve which muscles he was using and had him concentrate on each one as the tasks were done, which we thought was a wonderful technique. He had Steve take a tissue from him and raise it to "wipe" his mouth. Also to close his eyes tightly, then open them quickly. Of course, his right doesn't open much, but it's looking better in recent days. He also had him squeeze a ball with his right hand and do a bicep curl with it...that was quite amazing to watch...he really had to grip hard to hang on to that ball, but he did it!

After all that he managed to go to PT and spend time on the tilt table...they were very happy with what he was doing for them there, also. The people here really cheer him on, and now he's awake enough to hear their cheers.

His friend Mark visited the other day and suggested we bring his Ipod in. Unfortunately I threw it in the washing machine by mistake a couple days before Steve's accident! But Beth was able to access the music on his computer and burn a CD with some of his favorite songs. We brought that in today and he had a look of amazement on his face when the music started. Thanks for that idea, Mark!

We noticed today that he seemed upset when we were talking about getting a cup of coffee, so our thought is that we won't talk about food/drink or eat/drink in his room any more. Also, we talk to him rather than about him, and ask his opinions about things rather than speaking/deciding for him. It's wonderful to see him becoming so alert.

Have a good night, everyone!

Love, Linda and Grams (Mary)


Uncle Don said...

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
-- Berthold Auerbach

I think both Linda and Steve can appreciate the above quote :)

It is so great to see the progress My Hero is making. This journey is far from over for Steve, but he is not backing away from the challenges he faces. Long before his progress began, his eyes said, "I AM HERE, and I WILL SUCCEED!"

Pump up that music...and kick some butt!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea music is, Uncle Don has it righ, kick it up! Sounds like your really getting things rolling Steve. We are very proud of you. Exciting days lay ahead of rediscovery, challenge and conquest.
Our love and prayers,
The Smith Family

Anonymous said...

This all sounds so great!!!!

I hear that Steve is getting a lot of very painful leg cramping, primarily due to, I'm sure, the stimulation of his unused muscles. I understand that dehydration and depletion of magnesium and calcium can be big contributors to "charlie horses." Just thought I'd mention it, in case the doctors/nurses think that adding supplements to his food may help.
- Laury

Linda said...

Hi, Laury. I know they were keeping an eye on these issues in the past, but Rob is checking this AM to see if they're still being watched. Things do get lost along the way as people and paperwork change, so thanks for thinking of this possibility!


grzebienik said...

We were so sorry to hear about Steve. Please know that we are thinking and praying for you! This has been a terrible year for us "Percha's" but remember that Steve has a lot of guardian angels watching over him!! He sounds like he is on the road to recovery thanks to everyone pullin' for him!
Love & Prayers,
Kim, Matt, Kyle & Jake Grzebienik