Thursday, April 10, 2008

Update #45 from - Rob & Beth

It was a bit of a down day today. Beth reports Steve didn't sleep much last night due to some muscle pain so he was pretty tired and less responsive today in rehab.

However, one thing did 'make our day" so to speak.
Steve's uncle Dave came in to visit and the conversation turned to one of Steve's favorite jokes.

It goes like this;
A duck walks into a bar and asks the bartender, "you got any glapes?"
The bartender says," No."
The duck comes in the next day and asks the bartender the same question.
The bartender says " No I do not have any glapes, and if you ask me again, I will nail your beak to the bar."
The duck comes in the next day and asks the bartender, " Do you have any nails?"
The bartender says, "No." He then asks "you got any glapes?"

This little story extracted an "ear to ear smile" from Steve as witnessed by the nurse, Grams and me. It is the first and only smile we have seen since his injury. He obviously understood the joke and reacted to it.

We'll take what we can get!

Thanks to all of you!


Anonymous said...

And let's not forget:

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Interrupting Cow ......

You know the rest

Steve, the kids start each day with their "Have you read the Blog question". I have been reporting the progress and it certainly brightens each of our days. Said many times, and in so many ways, but Steve we are all so very proud of you and the team. If ever someone needed to keep things in perspective, all they need to do is follow your journey. Keep fighting the fight, you've already proven everyone wrong.

Love, Uncle Rick

Uncle Don said...


Gail & I witnessed Steve smile last Saturday too (while his friends Jeff, Jessica, & Lindsey(?) were visiting! So it seems he has not lost one of his biggest gifts, his sense of humor! God is working wonderful deeds through Steve!

Anonymous said...

I would strongly suggest a daily visit from a chiropractor, especially one who is intimately familiar with helping align the muscles/tendons of the neck/upper back to help free up the neural causeways - it worked wonders with my Mom after her CVA/neural trauma...

Chris Grant said...

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Percha, Members of the Percha Family and Danielle:

I had the pleasure of meeting Steve this year while he worked at the Duderstadt Center and even though we mostly knew each other only on a “Hi, how are you” basis, I immediately found Steve to be a very gracious and kind-hearted young man. And after getting to know many of you through your thoughtful and caring blog, I can easily see where Steve acquired these fine characteristics, among many more to be sure. It is very obvious that your family shares a beautiful and loving relationship that shines through in your heartfelt posts. I cannot tell you how much your blog means to so many of us watching and waiting for Steve’s continued recovery. We currently have a baby in our family who is in the neonatal unit at Johns Hopkins Medical Center. Her parents have also started a blog on her progress. And if I may quote the baby’s grandfather from one of his posts in her guestbook, “Let us all remain optimistic and continue our prayers, remembering that the path to a miracle is seldom straight.”
Please know that many of us at the Duderstadt Center are thinking and praying for Steve every step of the way and we cannot wait for the day when he returns here to say “Hi – how are you?”

Wishing you all God’s blessings,
Christine Grant

Anonymous said...

I remember Steve telling me this joke!! :) It's so great to hear how it still makes him smile! Steve...I'm so proud of you for putting up such a fight! I know you'll get through this! Laughter is the best medicine :)

Lots of love,