Thursday, April 24, 2008

Update #55 from Danielle

Hey guys---

Without a doubt, the most exciting thing that happened today was Steve getting his trach out! I was shocked at how simple and easy of a process it was. One of the docs came in around 830 this morning and told Steve to exhale, pulled it out, and covered it with gauze and tape. Vuwalla!! Good as new. ;) It must have felt funny to him at first because he coughed quite a bit, but then by the time rehab started he had hardly coughed at all. The docs mentioned that they'll keep an eye on it everyday and it should heal up on it's own in about 2wks.

Steve is also getting weaned off a couple of his medications. He has his daily meds every morning and night, which all consist of blood pressure medication, blood thinners, heartrate meds, anti-seizure meds, etc., etc....we're starting to wonder because he's doing so much better lately, if these medications are all really necessary. Rob thought they all may contribute to a 'cloudy mind' from time to time and brought this to the attention of a couple doctors. They agreed that they could start weaning him off a couple.

He did a couple things last night and this morning that I hadn't seen him do before. At night he's definitely moving his legs a lot more. It looked as though he were having a lot of 'active' dreams. (He must have been playing soccer last night!) Before, the physical therapists commented that they were only seeing distal movement in Steve, (feet, toes, hands, etc.), but now they are noticing more movement in both legs and shoulders. He was facinated with touching his face earlier this morning too. He'd either point to his mouth, (indicating more water) or would scratch his own neck and ears, (with a little lifting help). He seemed to be feeling around and making new connections. He also wrote the word 'Therapy' this morning. He just was interested to know the schedule for the day. All very cool!

Today in physical rehab they worked a lot with his legs on a sliding board. They had him lay down on his back and slide his legs back and forth....abducting and adducting. He did a great job at this and the physical therapist seemed pleased. They also sat him up in the sitting position with someone supporting his back and placed a mirror in front of him. This was so he could practice with head/neck strength on his own. He still does a great job at turning his head back and forth but before when his head fell forward, someone would always have to push it back for him. Today, his head fell forward but he lifted it all the way up again all by himself! It definitely takes a lot of strength for him to do this...keep in mind he also wears a pretty heavy helmet when he's doing these exercises!

There was a moment this morning, however, that just about broke my heart. A woman came in with a little tiny envelope addressed to Steve, so I decided to open it and read it to him. I looked to see who it was from and told Steve it was from Natalie Clark....both of his eyebrows went up. The letter went on to say how much she was thinking about him and how she was reminded of a little story about him the other day. She said she was walking downtown Ann Arbor one day when she saw Steve sitting outside at Charlies (one of his favorite restaurants/bars) with another friend, Leigh. She stopped by to say hello to both of them. Steve was unaware that the two of them had actually good friends as well. The story went on to say that Steve had mentioned he found it facinating that all the good people he had met at college seemed to stick together and how fortunate he had felt. It wrapped up by reassuring Steve when things seem to get really hard and tough, to remember that all of those same 'good' people are rooting for him and love him very much. I got slightly teary eyed reading it when I looked at him over the card to find tears streaming down his face. He let out a couple loud 'noises' and it truly looked like he was just bawling. :*( I grabbed him, hugged him, and said, "Steve, you're going to get through this! See? So many people are behind you and are here supporting you...everything is going to be just fine!" He seemed to calm down, but goodness, we were both a wreck! It's the first time I've ever seen him react like that...maybe more of his emotions are coming back??

Alright, well that's it for now. Thanks again for all the great advice, thoughts and kind words!!

Steve says 'Hi'....



Uncle Don said...

As Steve's friend Mike's card had said....."Vroom, Vroom"! Steve is on his way! Everyday is a miracle in action. To see him improve upon each visit is awesome! The other night Aunt Gail and I brought in some movies, and from what I hear, the movie "BLOW" is one of his favorites. Well, he gave a big thumbs up when asked if he wanted to see it. Well, during the start of the movie I was chatting with him, and he gave me one of those looks as if to say, "Uncle Don, I love you, but I am trying to hear this movie!" I just grinned and watched with him in silence.

In Linda's post #56, she said to read Danielle's #55, because Danielle was a better writer. Well, Danielle is VERY good, but all of Team Percha are quite the literary composers. With every post I feel as if I am right there with you. I smile and cry because I feel your compassion and feelings with every word. I told Beth the other night that I hadn't seen anything posted up from her lately. I said you write so well, that you can make anything sound good, and make folks want to try it! Anyhow, thank you all for sharing your emotions,feelings, and thoughts. You are force of great positive energy! May God's Peace be with you all.

Anonymous said...

I continue to be amazed and touched by the incredible strength, commitment, compassion and energy all of you, including Steve, consistently display. All of this comes from the one single, most incredible emotion of all....LOVE! Thanks for all your posts - they continue to inspire our prayers and hope. xxxooo's, Laury Stone