Sunday, April 13, 2008

update #49 from Linda

Hello! Steve has had a restful day...spent some time sitting in a reclining chair, watching golf on TV, getting a foot massage from Beth, etc. He slept well last night and has done lots of well-deserved resting today. The only note he wrote was "take my helmet off" because it was annoying him when he was sitting in the chair. Grams and I couldn't read "helmet" and were guessing other things, so he pointed his finger at his head to help us figure it out! He also seems to be trying to talk more - we're anxious to see if Laura, his speech therapist, agrees. He makes some sounds at appropriate times, and other times just seems to be practicing using his voice. He seems so much more awake during the day, too. Even if he's watching TV with his eyes closed, he often isn't sleeping. We've also noticed that his right eye is opening more. I never thought watching TV could be good therapy, but if he lays in bed and looks up to watch it (the TV hangs from the ceiling), it almost forces his eye open.

A couple friends (Rachel and Shelley) stopped by with a recording of a comedy routine Steve loves (involving koalas and a frozen banana, among other things). If Steve had a voice right now he would have laughed out loud! It was so great to see his reaction. Soooooo if anyone knows of any funny CDs, movies, etc. that Steve likes, will you please let us know? Thanks.

Take care, everyone!



Anonymous said...

i think someone should retell him the story of when Aunt Linda flushed her keys down the toilet at the mall. that should make him laugh. it still makes me laugh.
-♥- miranda -♥-

Linda said...

I'll tell him that story tomorrow if you'd like me to, or we can save it for you to tell him the next time you visit. What do you think? Thanks for reminding was pretty funny!

Aunt Linda

Anonymous said...

HI. I am Uncle Ronny (Danielle's
uncle). I felt honored to go
see Steve, his mom,grams,and
Danielle to share my story of being
in a coma. Steve is younger than
me and physically better shape which
I believe is huge for him. I am so glad to see steps in the right direction (reading, writing,moving etc.). With therapy and
a lot of prayers (as I see he is getting a huge amount of) I hope Steve's recovery accelerates.

Ron, Kim, Kayleigh and
Ronny Hudson