Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Update #8 from Linda and Beth

More good news today; Steve was taken off the ventilator for five hours and was breathing just fine on his own. (Originally, they only thought he would be able to handle about 20 minutes of that, but he surprised us.) A Picc line was also inserted today, so they took a bunch of IVs out of his arms. This morning, he was also able to respond [albeit weakly] to requests to squeeze our hands and wiggle his right-hand fingers. The doctors were so pleased with his progress that they are considering taking him off the ventilator permanently. In addition, he may be able to be transported back to Michigan by air ambulance as early as the beginning of next week. As we mentioned before, we were originally told that it would be 4-8 weeks before this could happen.

Hopefully Steve will soon be able to do more tracking with his eyes and keep them open longer. We also hope that he will start showing some more movement on his left side. We tell him everyday that his friends and family at home (and across the country) are thinking of him, and we're certain that gives him motivation to keep fighting to get well.

As always, thanks for everything.

Linda and Beth


Anonymous said...

I hope that the University of Michigan Medical Center is ready for one huge celebration !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Cheryl said....
Steve and family,
It was great to see all of you this weekend, Uncle Rick, Alyssa, Alexis and Ryan and myself are so happpy to hear of all the progress that you have been scared us for a bit there but we know with all the love, prayers and support you'd see it our way and come around. You have your whole life and future ahead of you and you need to get better as soon as you can and start your future, with the beautiful girl beside you, and continue to experience all the things out there waiting for you, with friends and family by your side.

Someone in your family there needs to print all the comments coming in from this "blog" Uncle Rick set up and read it to you and it will give you even more strength and encouragement, if they can't let Uncle Rick know and he will print it and fax it to the hospital if need be.

And big guy you have to be awake for cake and ice cream on your Birthday March 3rd.....

Lots of love and prayers,
Aunt Cheryl, Uncle Rick, Alyssa, Alexis and Ryan.

Uncle Don said...

Steve & All,

"Lent, by one definition means the spring season. If we reflect momentarily on the spring season, we will find that it is a time for new growth. The trees will begin to bloom, the flowers will emerge from dormancy, the grass will green and begin to grow. Can Lent truly be a time for new growth in our lives, a spring season for each of us?" Internet.

I found the above comment just surfing the Internet on the definition of Lent. Since the events of February 17, 2008, I have been drawn toward just how the Percha and Perkins families ARE living Lent right now. They await the emergence from dormancy,(the coma), you're in. And with that emergence, the beautiful bloom that will Spring forth and grow anew!

We all know what excitement we feel when we see the crocus peak through the soil in spring, knowing that it's just a matter of time before we're nurturing the flower beds and hedges to look their finest, everything is green and fresh! Today's blessings have given me that exact same excitement about your recovery.

Much Love,
Uncle Don & Aunt Gail

RussLynnCody said...

Hey Steve-Kiddo,
Cody is always stressing about his physical stature, that he's never going to grow over 5 ft. he's never going to have any muscles and on and on....and my standard comeback is, "look at Steve!" I show him pictures as you changed through your youth from the cute little awkward boy who was in our wedding to the handsome, intelligent, healthy, tall youngman with all that charisma to boot, that he sees you have now. You have and always will be Cody's inspiration, to be the best person he can be. In so many words you are his hero. And all these not so small milestones, the wiggle of a finger, a turn of the head will one day all lead to what we all really know you can do....And that is whatever you are challenged to do. I have never seen you back away from a challenge and I would bet my soul that you will not now. With your Mom, Dad, Beth, Danielle and Grandma by your side 24/7, you've got the greatest fight team since Muhammad Ali! I met that beautiful Danielle of yours and absolutely loved her and not just because she lives in Ortonville. There is a sparkle in that girls eyes, I've only seen once before. I think it was when I met your Uncle Russ.
No words can tell you how much we love you, but we're gonna say them anyway. LOVE Ya TOOTS

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Keep the good news coming! Soooo many people here in Michigan are sending their positive energy Steve's way....we can all feel the strength, hope, and love. Peace, Marie Carriere, Walled Lake Schools

Anna Dummer said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

brav·er·y Pronunciation Key - [brey-vuh-ree, breyv-ree]
1. a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear

cour·age Pronunciation Key - [kur-ij]
1. the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear

he·ro Pronunciation Key - [heer-oh]
1. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.
2. a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal

Steven Percha
1. Please see above

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We are so proud of you! Please, please know that you have soo many prayers from so many people you know, even from people you don't. Can't wait for you to come home! You'll have a lot of hugs waiting for ya :) love ya steve!


Anonymous said...

Percha family and Danielle,
How wonderful to keep getting more good news on Steve's progress!
I met Steve the first time Feb.13. It was obvious to see he and Dani shared a true bond not too often found. I was able to chat with Steve alone for a few minutes and he relayed his real love of family. He spoke of his amazing trip with his sister, Beth and closeness he shares with his parents and the rest of his family. It's obvious through even these bits of information how much Steve is loved by so many people. Dani has definitely found an amazing young man. We are so appreciative to you, the Percha family for taking such good care of her while tending to Steve. We have so many people here in Michigan praying for Steve and his quick recovery. Travel home safely and we will all be here to welcome you back and help with anything you need. Take care and Love to you Dani! Aunt Cary LaFontaine

Anonymous said...

Neighbors from the Perkins family here in GA.

We are so happy every time we open this site and see improvement all of our family is praying and thinking of you and your family.

Steve I know you will continued improving and getting better you have a long and good future in from of you.

Good luck Isabel and family

Anonymous said...

Great News! We like reading about Steve's continued progress. Keep up the good work, Steve!
Eric Dummer and family

Anonymous said...

YAY STEVE!!!!!!! Im so happy are prayers are being heard and your strength is shining through!! LOVE YOU!! i better see you soon and give u a big steve percha hug! Hang in there bestie!!!


Anonymous said...

Danielle and The Percha Family,
We are so glad to read about Steve's continuing progress. We are all praying everyday for all of you and for Steve to find renewed strength to keep on moving forward. The last time I spoke with you Danielle, it was evident by the way you were absolutely beaming when you spoke of Steve, that you have found a truly special person. We have not yet had the opportunity to meet Steve and look ahead to the day that we are able to. We want you to know that we are all thinking about you and know that with your faith and inner strength you can continue to stay strong!!
Take Care!!
Love from Alaine Schumacher & Family

Eric Spence said...

Dearest Perchas,

This is Eric Spence from Gulfport, MS. I am so glad to hear that Steve is making such good progress! Stay strong Steve! All of you are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted you all to know that you are in my prayers, and these posts are wonderful news. Here in the west coast we are staying strong. God Bless and stay strong.
-Austin Maxey

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda and Family,
Myself and my family continue to keep all of you in our prayers! I am glad that you are seeing such positive signs and how much more quickly they are happening than what was thought. Stay strong and let God handle your worries.
Jane Wendyker

Anonymous said...

You are all in our prayers! I can still see Steve in his NASCAR T-shirt in Ms. August's 4th grade class.

Former Commerce Pines resident 1985-2003. Oakley Park, CHS, Walnut Creek and WLC.

Aimee (Coil) and Brad Badarak- Scottsdale, AZ