Sunday, February 24, 2008

Update #4 from Beth and Linda

Hi again everyone,

Good news: Dr. Alisi looked at Steve's most recent CT scan this morning, and he says that it looks as though the areas of stroke have not grown (and, therefore, have not spread to the left hemisphere). The doctors are trying to figure out how this latest stroke occurred, and are investigating the possibility of a dissection of his carotid artery (in his neck). They are performing a test this morning where they will inject dye into Steve's bloodstream and look at his carotid arteries using another CT scan. If they find damage, they will fix it before another stroke occurs. If they find no damage, it is likely the strokes were caused by the swelling as they originally thought. In any case, the Mannitol appears to be doing some good. If there is no arterial damage, he will stay on the same treatment protocol that he is on now, and we will continue to wait for his brain to heal.

Thanks for all of your kind words and thoughts, and for all of the positive energy you're sending Steve's way. We really thought we were going to lose him yesterday, so you can imagine our relief at hearing the good news this morning. Steve continues to be unresponsive and has a long road ahead of him, but he has gotten through this incident and for that we are grateful.

We wish you all the best and will write again soon.

Beth and Linda


Anonymous said...

keeping the faith! love ya, kathie

Anonymous said...

he is in my thoughts everywhere & you are too!!!
love ya, hayley niehaus :D

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about you everyday buddy. I know how strong you are and you can pull through this! Sending all the positive vibes I have. Love you, Erica

Wordsmithy said...

I'm a choir friend of Uncle Don's in Michigan.

My thoughts and prayers are with Steve and his family and friends. May God give you the strength to pull through this ordeal.


Susan D.

Unknown said...

Stay strong and don't give up hope. You have many people praying for Steve. Have faith that God will hear our prayers.
