Friday, February 29, 2008

Update 10 from Rob and Danielle

Linda and Beth are on the "night shift" and Danielle and I thought we would add an update because we are realizing more and more just how many supportive people follow this blog.

Steve had a rough early morning vomiting 3x. Since the feeding tube was installed, Steve has a dark brown fluid building up in his stomach and incessant hiccups. Suctioning out this fluid has cured the hiccups but there is concern as to what the fluid is and where it is coming from. Doctors say it could be left over from the feeding tube surgery. Samples were sent to the lab and we should know more soon. That said, alleviating the hiccups has resulted in Steve resting comfortably throughout the rest of the day.

Linda received the results of this morning's CT scan and it shows that there is no more swelling after 24 hours off of the Mannitol. We were advised that although you obviously want a good CT scan, what truly matters are the improvements that we can and will be seeing at Steve's bedside. We are cautiously optimistic that we are past the 'brain swelling' stage and are moving in the right direction.

After some much needed rest, Steve appeared more awake today than ever. He seems to be tracking us better with his eyes. The right eyelid is still not opening unaided, but is obviously attempting to blink with the left. We believe that Steve is beginning to respond to yes/no commands by blinking 2x for yes and 1x for no. This is by no means consistent, but is definitely becoming more pronounced.

Steve is progressing at his own slow but sure pace and is giving us more hope each day. Please know that we are seeing the results of your positive energy and prayers and we ask that you continue to send them our way.


Anonymous said...

If there is a pipeline to God's ear, it must be on overload.

Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Mrs. Terri Lis

Anonymous said...

Dear Steve and Family,
All of us are eagerly and prayerfully looking to each and every post...

I believe you are living a miracle with each and every response from Steve.

Prayers are bombarding Heaven from every direction and it is evident that God is answering them.

We will continue to keep on praying. Be assured that ever so many are with you on your heavy journey.

Much love,

Mr. & Mrs. Totten

Anonymous said...

We are so proud of you. We contacted our cousin in Florida and she has you on her prayer chain, it is about 500 strong. It must sound like a beautiful choris coming out of the south, with you in their prayers. I know the same is happening all over the world for you, it is beautiful.
We love you, keep up the GREAT work.
Our prayers always,
Steve, Sue and Stephen Smith

Anonymous said...

Once again, thank you for generously sharing information regarding Steve's progress. I am sure it may sometimes seem to you that there is just the small group of four that is fighting for Steve, and it is true, your team is fighting the hardest for him on the front line, but there is a secondary group of us that thinks about Steve each and every day, all through the day, and your words mean so much to us. They allow us to focus our prayers on the next goal. We don't get to see the blinks or feel the squeezes, but through your posts, we still rejoice with you. Please remember that, during the middle of the night when you are so lonely, or when Steve is throwing up and you are so scared, this is when many people are praying hardest for you, hoping to give you courage and strength. I realize that it must be hard to write some of the things you have because the words are so personal, but your words have great significance and influence. I only know Steve through my niece, but his welfare has become very important to our family. We are fighting in a different way for Steve, fighting with prayer, positive energy and the deepest hopes we have. I sincerely appreciate your words, which give us the opportunity to fight with you for Steve's recovery.

Karen said...

I was away from home for a few days and was unable to read your updates. What I read today is a MIRACLE happening there for all of you to see.. The power of prayer at work. I have never met Steve but reading the notes from so many friends and family, I know he is a wondrful, strong young man. Stay strong for him he will need ALL of you when he wakes up. Sending good thoughts and more prayers. Karen Felcher

Anonymous said...

To Steve, his family, and
Danielle. I am Ron Hudson (Danielle's uncle that was in a coma also) The best thing I can say is hope for the best! Steve sounds like he is a fighter and that's what it takes. Love and prayers are what gives a person the goal to come out of this so
my family (Kim, Kayleigh, and Ronny) and I send our prayers. If there is ANYTHING needed here or there that we can help with feel free to ask. Steve has a great girlfriend and family by his side.
The Hudson Family

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Steve, reading the entries on this blog is so surreal. I'm having such a difficult time imagining you like this. I keep remembering running into you at Lifetime (at like midnight), or playing beer pong with 5 o'clock vodka last spring (God, that was rough, lol). It's so terrible that something like this has happened to such a great person...and it's scary to know that it can happen to anyone at any time. I'm so happy to hear that you are beginning to wake up and respond to your family and the doctors. We all wish that we could be there for you...and we are eagerly awaiting your return to Michigan! I know that you are going to pull through have always had such strong character, and that is definitely going to help you survive this. I've been praying for you, and will continue to do so until you're better.
~Traci Morris

Uncle Don said...


Sounds like there are just some great folks pulling for you. I have become addicted to this blog since its creation, since I didn't make the trip to Maryland with Aunt Gail. It was hard not to be there with everyone. We again battle with feelings of, do we come this week, or see if you get to come to Michigan. Trust me, I will see you soon, and give you some of my jokes/stories one on one! Infact, I think your old friend from AA (rat boy)may be working where I am now. I need verification on please awaken soon! P.S. March Madness is just aroung the bend, and there's some cash to be made!

Uncle Don

Anonymous said...

Steve - I can hardly wait for you to wake up and be able to read all of these comments, and the journal that Dani has been keeping for you. So very few of us ever get a real glimpse of the positive impact we have on others' lives, and you are one of those few! The support and prayers for you are reaching so far beyond even what you're seeing here on this blog.

I found myself, last night, in a "discussion" with God, trying to convince Him of what great PR this would be for Him if he'd pull off a miracle here. :) Then it occurred to me (with God's input, I'd like to believe)that that's precisely what is happening now - day by day, hour by hour, with each blink of your eye, each squeeze of your hand - you're a Miracle in motion!

We can't wait to have you home in Michigan - I have lots more recipes to try out on you!!! - Laury Stone

Anonymous said...

Thank you Linda, Beth, Rob and Danielle for keeping up this blog every day. I look for updates first thing when I wake amazing you are.....every day, little milestones are occurring. You must feel the strength from your team at your bedside.
You know it is time to really show off what you can do on March 3........

Stay strong....all of you!!!!

Tom, Bryan, Hetty Hodges

Anonymous said...

I know Steve thru my brother-in- law Dave Perkins and his wife Laura (my sister)and of course their kids. Dave became a part of our family and therefore his family is also a part of ours. I read the updated blogs as often as I can and am happy to hear of the progress Steve is making. Steve is a -fighter- A person with will, courage, determination, ability, or disposition to fight, struggle,resist, etc.
There are some highs and lows that Steve will have to work thru- but Steve will always have his family by his side...whether they are immediate family and freinds or ones he never new he even had, we will be there to pray for a full recovery. We will follow your journey and always send words of encouragement.
God bless Karen Hickey

Anonymous said...

As we read the many posts, it quickly becomes clear this is an amazing circle of family and friends. While we haven't written, we watch this post and continue to keep Steve and all of you in our thoughts and constant prayer. We're so appreciative to the family for creating this site and allowing us to be a part of Steve's progress. Danielle, our connection to all of this, you're on our minds and in our hearts constantly.
Roger and Karen Fulkerson

Anonymous said...

Two weeks ago today....Kira, Matt and Steve were having a wonderful, happy week-end....enjoying and living life to the fullest. One tragic fall changed everything. So much has happened in these 2 weeks. Steve really has come a long way in this time and we thank you so much for this blog so we can check it about 50 times per day hoping for more good news.

Our thoughts and constant prayers are with all of you.


Anonymous said...

i know im not a "tough guy" like you and cody. but i am a tough chick and i'll run into those waves with you. i also cant wait for another go-cart race. david, my mom, dad and i have been praying for you since we heard about the accident. get better soon! we miss you and love you! ♥
~♥your cousin miranda♥~

Anonymous said...

i know im not a "tough guy" like you and cody. but i am a tough chick and i'll run into those waves with you. i also cant wait for another go-cart race. david, my mom, dad and i have been praying for you since we heard about the accident. get better soon! we miss you and love you! ♥
~♥your cousin miranda♥~

Anonymous said...

Steve, you have to get better soon, so you and I can play my dad and your dad at a game of bean bag. I love you, and I miss you. I have been saying lots of prayers for you too.
♥ Love your cousin David ♥

Anonymous said...

To the Percha & Perkins Families

We have been reading the updates on Steve's progress and hope it continues to be positive. Steve and the families are continually in our thoughts and prayers.

You are wonderful and caring people and God is with you always, giving you strength.

We pray that everday brings more positive improvements for Steve.

Lorna Wright & Family

Anonymous said...


Thought I'd pass along a ittle note this evening letting you know of some great kids who have you in their thoughts. Ryan's 10-year old baseball team, the Detroit Tigers, had opening day today. Ryan talked to his teammates about you and they said they'd play for Steve. Right out of the storybooks Ryan came to bat with runners on second and third and his team needed 2 runs to put the game out of reach. Ryan looked at me as he swaggered to the plate and said "this one is for Steve". Base hit, two runs in, game over. Just wanted you to know that you are in our thoughts every moment of every day.