Friday, December 26, 2008

Update #102

Hello and Merry Christmas!

Remember on my last post I said something about this being a very different Christmas for us...

On Christmas Eve near midnight, while helping Steve stand up, I managed to pull his feeding tube OUT. He said something like, "Ow, that hurt a little" and I said something like, "Gosh, what did I do?" :)

We got on the phone hoping to find someplace close that could put a new one in, but only UofM used that type of tube, so off to the emergency room we went. Spent the night there while they tried to convince someone from radiology to do the procedure, but no luck. Rob and Beth headed for home early Christmas morning and Steve and I stayed while they tried to talk the morning crew into it, but weren't able to make it happen. So they admitted him, and we spent Christmas at UofM. That was the bad news. The good news was that the four of us were together, the procedure went without incident, Steve has another chapter for his book, and we met some outstanding medical people who tried everything to make things happen faster for us and gave us excellent care. We even ran into Laura, who was Steve's speech therapist (her husband was also having a procedure in radiology) so we got to visit with her. In any case, we're home now and all is well!

We hope all of you had a wonderful and peaceful Christmas! Take care of yourselves and each other.



Uncle Don said...

Well let's hope that Kwanza will be incident free!

Anonymous said...

Steve, Lin, Rob & Beth

A wish for the Happiest of New Year's to each of you as we enter 2009. It was a joy to see all of you over the Christmas holiday and we hope that the new year brings you nothing but the best of days.

Love Alyssa, Alexis, Ryan, Cheryl and Rick

Anonymous said...

Had a nice relaxing day yesterday with Steve, Lynn, Rob and Nyah. Grams and I brought dinner (didn't tell you Rob, but there are mushrooms in the lasagna!). Steve's writing was pretty amazing and made some very funny points about the Lions - GO STEVE!!!
2009 - continued positive energy and onward!!
Love, Aunt Gail