Wednesday, January 14, 2009

update #103 from Linda and Rob

Hello! I hope life is good for all of you. Things are rolling along here...

We have reduced Steve's therapy from four to three days per week, and have started taking him to a club to work out twice each week. This was originally due to insurance issues, but we have become excited about it and it appears to be a blessing in disguise. This is a very well equipped gym and they have machines that can target Steve's weak muscles only. This is good because you want to get the weaker muscles to catch-up so to speak. Up until now, this was done at rehab by manually stretching and exercising Steve and took time away from walking. Our plan is to consult with Steve's therapists and formulate an action plan each week. Our good friend Jennie is a director there and has lots of ideas, as do a number of other people she knows. We met them all and they all want to help........just amazing!!! Steve has gone twice so far, and says he likes going. We are sure the atmosphere of the club will be good mentally for Steve, as well as the physical part of things. Before he was injured he worked out just about every day. THANKS, Jennie!

We're trying to give Steve more ownership of his therapy. For example, there are oral motor exercises that he should do several times each day, and we try to make him responsible for them rather than always telling him what to do. The same will hold true for his sessions at the gym...we'll have him keep track of things, tell us what he needs/wants to do there, etc.

We discovered that his recliner has an issue - leans to the right. We have spent weeks propping him up in that chair because he has balance issues, but it turns out this is partly because of a defective chair! Poor Steve. He was the only one who sat in it, so we never knew!

Steve and I play Rummikub almost every night, and I can't tell you how good that game has been for him...mental strategy, physically moving game pieces around, scanning the tray that holds your game pieces (good for his left side neglect issue), etc. Early on it would take a couple hours to play and numerous errors would be made. These days, no kidding, I am lucky to ever win!

We have baked cookies together a few times. His left arm isn't ready for such an activity yet, but he can do plenty of measuring, mixing, and scooping with his right. Last night he commented that he's not much help with things like that (not feeling sorry for himself, just stating reality as he saw it)...I made sure he understood that the fact that he's home, sitting at the kitchen table, and helping at all is beyond a miracle.

His strength and ability to eat are improving all the time. His speech is slower, but he communicates just fine by writing. When at all possible I give him the time to actually say things. He tries hard to talk and I'm so glad to see that he's not giving up on this issue.

About two weeks ago Steve had what I felt was a "good" day, and the next day was also good. Nothing you can really put your finger on, just a lot of little things in regards to his abilities, efforts, and attitude. A couple of days later Rob commented that he'd been noticing improvements, and so have his therapists. Rob and I have a "gut" feeling that a corner has been turned in his recovery. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but good things are happening! Please keep that energy and those prayers coming. They mean the world to all of us. Take care of yourselves.

Linda and Rob


Anonymous said...

I got a little behind on my reading of Steve's blog, so today especially after reading your latest post, I am so excited and happy for all the improvements going on with Steve. Wow.

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you Steve!! Sending you lots of love!

Lindsey H.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for the inspiring and uplifting message. Today is now a much better day. You are all in our hearts and prayers every moment. We miss you all. Steve, your courage continues to be the benchmark that we all are measured by. Stay strong and be aware of the motivation that you have instilled in so many by sharing your class and focus demonstrated each and every day.

Love, Cheryl, Rick and the kids

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve and family! I'm thinking about you all the time and I'm glad the new year seems to be bringing new energy to keep going around those corners! Keep up the hard work!

Love, Kyla

Anonymous said...

Glad to catch up with all the good news of recovery. We continue to think about you and pray for health as the new year turns. Day to day and step by step you are getting there, Steve. Keep up your spirit. The gym is the BEST idea for long term strengthening. More fun than rehab-and I can say that as a therapist!
Clare Fannon (Lauren's Mom)

Anonymous said...

I hope your doing really well at your house and i hope i can see you soon Love David♥

Anonymous said...

As we approach the one year anniversary of the accident...just wanted you to know that we are still out here praying and checking the blog daily for updates. Karolyn

Anonymous said...

I am praying for good things for you today with the swallow test. You just go and show 'em bud! I hope to see you this weekend!! Remember....Keep drivin' to the hoop!

Uncle Don

Anonymous said...

Steve - good luck today!!! We will celebrate later...I'll bring the snickerdoodles!!!
Love ya,
Aunt Gail