Friday, February 6, 2009

Update #104 from Rob and Linda

Hello everyone,

Almost 1 month since the last post.....sorry about that.

As we approach one year since the accident, Linda and I are reminded of a statement buy one of Steve's' caregivers in Bethesda. " This is a marathon not a sprint". How true this is!!

Steve seemed to be making faster progress when "in patient" and we were concerned that current progress was actually going backward somewhat. We have videos that show Steve walking unassisted between the parallel bars as if he was going to walk out of them. We had not seen that as an out patient.

You question what has happened. We ask, is it the fact that he was getting more hours of OT and PT per week while in the hospital, and now is getting less? So we started taking Steve to the gym 2 days a week to supplement his therapy. We ask should we be talking to his doctors about new meds? All sorts of things go through your mind. Believe me, you question everything, from your relationship with your God, to how late your spouse lets your son stay up at night!

I think our concerns were also showing, through us, to Steve's' current therapists also.

Anyway after I showed our in-patient videos to Andy, Steve's' PT therapist, he promptly put Steve in the parallel bars and lo-and-behold, Steve walked through them like before!!! HE HASN'T LOST ANYTHING ! It is just that the current things we are doing in PT don't show as dramatically and therefore can work on your patience.

Ditto for OT, just when you think things are leveling out, something great happens! Please see the video. Steve has always shown "3" with his last three fingers. Notice what hand he uses! We were told in Bethesda that this hand and arm might never work again.

Speech has found that reclining Steve works better and much more voicing is now happening. Steve has a swallow study this Friday (TODAY!) and we hope that it will go well. As always.....thoughts and prayers please!

This is Linda...I'm not at therapy too often, so sometimes have a different perspective than Rob does. I spent 2 hours there on Wednesday, and in that time I witnessed improved swallowing during speech, heard the speech therapist comment on the many improvements, watched Steve walk more confidently with his walker (which usually gives me heart failure when I try to walk with him, since he's so much taller than I am and I can't see where we're going), heard him tell a long story to his OT therapist, and watched as he raised his left arm five times to the count of 10 while laying on a mat in OT (with an elbow support on). All wonderful, amazing stuff!

It is hard to believe one year has gone by. When you think, at one time, we were happy when we got an eye blink or a squeeze of our hand, what has happened up until now is truly a miracle and it will continue.

Thanks for following the blog!

Rob and Linda


Anonymous said...

Wow!! I can hardly believe that the one year is already approaching. Feels like merely a month ago now that I had to 'convince' myself I felt a hand squeeze. And just look at what he has accomplished so far! Miracles they may be, but we all know how strong/determined of a man Steve with each added accomplishment I find myself thinking, "I knew he could do it." :)
To Rob and Linda, you two are simply amazing as well. You are the most kind hearted individuals that I have ever had the pleasure in knowing and you continue to show your dedication. Yes, you may say every parent would do the same...but I'm not so sure. You really have to give yourselves the credit too- with you two along Steve's side, he is bound to conquer anything in his path.
And to I've missed you. You make me so proud, I feel as though I can't even put it into words. This past year has brought you many challenges that you have been able to beat time and time again. Keep setting that bar high and you WILL succeed. I have little reminders of you around me everyday that always make me smile. Happy Valentines Day too!! I know I have said this before, but I will say it again. You are an inspiration to us all sweetheart! <3
Lot's of love,

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the update. We are still hoping and praying everyday. Karolyn

Unknown said...

Hi Perchas!
So glad to read the updates - thanks for sharing the PT stories and posting the video... way to go Steve-O!!
All of you are always in my thoughts, I can't believe how far you've come on your "marathon" recovery journey this year. It really it hard to believe it was a year since Bethesda. What a phenomenal team your family has been.
I hope the swallow test went well and I'm glad to hear Steve is back in his natural habitat, the gym!
Thanks again for the updates,

Anonymous said...

Love ya, Gail and Don

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Aunt Linda !!!!!

We love you,
Alyssa, Alexis and Ryan