Saturday, December 6, 2008

Update #100 from Linda

Hello! I hope life is good for all of you, and that you all had a nice Thanksgiving.

We took Steve to Muskegon after having a great dinner on Thanksgiving, stayed in a hotel, and spent the next afternoon at Aunt Jean's house visiting with lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Steve has such a connection to those people and that part of the was wonderful therapy for him (and us!). We did a little driving around to see some familiar places, scooped up a bag of beach sand, spent the night at the hotel, and drove home Saturday. Such a nice time.

We are so often reminded that Steve has wonderful friends. People that stay in touch, include him in things, and take time out of busy schedules for him. You know who you are, and we thank you for that. So does Steve.

We're often asked about communicating with Steve. Please know that he reads all of your text messages, but doesn't always respond. He keeps his phone handy and checks it often, so please keep those messages coming! He truly looks forward to them. As far as email goes, he gets on his computer every few days, but usually needs help reading those notes. It might be a vision issue...not sure. You might want to keep them short and know that he loves to get them, but probably won't respond. I realize this makes things a little one-sided, but thanks for your understanding. You just can't IMAGINE how important contact with his friends is to him.

We are in the process of ordering a portable communication device for him to try. It's something that allows him to type messages using an on-screen keyboard, push a button, and the message is read out loud (by a voice named "Mike"!). This will give him the chance to hear his words said out loud, and he seems to like that. It will also give him the chance to "talk" on the phone, although the process is very slow. The other thing they think it will do is allow him to repeat these messages himself, which will hopefully help with his speaking. We're hoping to have this in a few weeks.

Last night Rob brought us a drink from Starbucks...Steve had his favorite white chocolate mocha with skim milk :) and drank the entire thing. We were remembering the first time he had one during the summer and managed about a teaspoon or two of it. This time he took the top off the cup and slurped every drop with a straw! Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of the progress he's making, and then a little thing like that happens to remind us.

We're asking for prayers for "Matt" who is a good friend of one of Steve's very good friends. He visited Steve in the hospital and compared scars and stories with him. He's facing very serious new health challenges now...please send energy and prayers to him. Thanks.

As always, thanks for EVERYTHING. Stay warm and take care of yourselves and each other!



Anonymous said...

Dear Steve & family,
Blessings to you all this Christmas Holiday!
You are always in the hearts and thoughts and prayers of all the Walled Lake School Employees! :)
Keep up the good work, you make us all proud!
Peace, Marie Carriere & family

Anonymous said...

I took care of Steve shortly after his accident. I was wondering how he was doing and I found your blog. I am so happy to hear that he has been improving. Keep up the good work, Steve. You have a wonderful family. You and your family are an inspiration

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for bringing Steve all the way out for the wedding in that awful weather! It was really great to see him and to talk with him. I know everyone else appreciated it too. :)

~Ashley Talsma

Schuman said...

Steve looked great this week. I was so happy to spend some time with the big guy. Thank you for being such wonderful hosts, opening your home, making dinner, meeting us, etc, etc, etc. And Steve, your handwriting looks 100 times better since the last time we visited. Great progress!

Oh, and Beth, awesome cookie!

Anonymous said...


Can't wait to see you. We are counting the days.

Your cousins Alyssa, Alexis and Ryan

kimbasfam said...

Dear Steve, Linda, Rob, and Beth,

It has been some time since I have checked in, but the "100th" entry seemed like quite a milestone in what I am sure has been a very long journey. Rick has kept me reasonably informed of Steve's progress and I am glad to see things continue to progress. Merry Christmas and best wishes for continued strength and improvement in the new year.
Mike Roddy & family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve and family!
I am a friend of your moms, we worked together many years ago at Keith Elementary.
You are a fighter! Glad to hear that you are progressing and eating on your own! I'm sure it feels good to be home. You are surrounded by love! That audio keyboard sounds great! Hope it works well for you...just give yourself time to get used/familiar with it. Any new computer stuff is hard for me at first...but yet...I'm old :-)
Take care of yourself and "Hi" to your mom!
Our thoughts and prayers continue.
God Bless and Merry Christmas!
Dana Murphy and Family

Unknown said...

#2 Anonymous,
Whether you are in Bethesda MD. or Ann Arbor MI., you are as much reasonsible for Steves' progress as is his family. The care he has received cannot be put into words. I firmly believe there are angels on this earth disguised as people.
Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and our Heartfelt Thanks,
Steves' Family