Sunday, December 21, 2008

Update #101 from Linda

Hi! Hope all is well.

Rob is helping Steve get his day started, so I thought I'd write a little update.

Things are rolling along here. We have our Christmas tree up and our house is as decorated as it's going to get! Rob still thinks we'll get lights on our gigantic evergreen in the front yard, but it's just too cold out, never mind the fact that it takes hours to do it! We always cut a tree down, and Steve is famous for choosing one that won't fit in our house. :) This year we went to a place we've gone to before, but chose one they had already cut. He was fine with that, and we figured it was a nice solution. Beth was home yesterday and we decorated it. Beautiful.

Little things happen that remind us that progress is always being made. Yesterday Steve "scratched" some instant lottery tickets and removed all of the coating. In the past he'd make a few scratches and think it was done. I know that doesn't sound like much, but it's all good stuff. We also play Rummikub and Battleship often, and it's so obvious from playing them that his "left side neglect" issue is always improving. Every so often, Gail and Grams play Poker with Steve. He hasn't lost his touch for bluffing as they will attest!

I'm off work for two weeks now, and am so thankful to have this time at home, and the chance to go to therapy. On Monday Steve will see a different speech therapist and we're hoping for some good ideas from her. Prayers, please! During this time we're also hoping to take him to a gym (thanks, Jennie!) to try some of the equipment there. Rob has been talking to his PT about creating a table to have at home for stretching, so we're hoping to get started on that as well.

This will be a very different Christmas for us, but one that we are so thankful to be celebrating. As always we think of, and are so grateful for, all the people who have helped get Steve to this point. Blessings to all of you! Have a wonderful Christmas.



Anonymous said...

Hi Steve & Family,
Progress is progress, every big and little bit. Keep on keepin' on! I heard a cute joke: Do you know how cold it is outside around here? A: people's tongues are sticking to their cell phones! Oh my! May we all celebrate a blessed and peaceful Christmas, Marie Carriere

Anonymous said...


I was so bummed to hear about the feeding tube incident. I hope it's an easy in and out of U of M for you. This year has been a trying year for you and your family. I pray that 2009 is one that will find much health and happiness for you. Keep drivin' to the hoop! Love you!

Schuman said...

Hope all of you are having a wonderful Christmas. We're thinking of you out West.

Happy Holidays,

Ryan and Kira