Monday, August 4, 2008

update #85 from Linda

Have just a minute or two between therapies, but wanted you to know that we've watched Steve get stronger and talk more during this past weekend. Not where he was, but so much better than a week ago!

He's also doing a great job eating. He's only allowed a few things, but this is a huge milestone...we can actually take a walk and stop for ice cream!

Yesterday two of his friends were visiting, and talking about a variety of topics. Rob got in the middle of the conversation and was confused about some things. After trying to explain to him over and over and over, Steve shaped his fingers like a gun and pretended to shoot himself. They all got a laugh out of that. Later that night Rob was saying something that was frustrating me, and Steve started laughing and asked, "Do you want my gun?" is Uncle Rick's 50th birthday!!! Rick - we're thinking of you and hoping your day is wonderful. :)

Have a good day everyone. I'll write more soon.



Uncle Don said...


Thanks for the update. I know Saturday, Steve was pretty wacked out, glad things are progressing.

Love Always,
Uncle Don

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Rick 2.0

Anonymous said...

Glad Steve is doing better. Hey Rick, you are 1/2 way to 100 !! Ha

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Steve and his TEAM! In the scheme of things, the seizure was just a little setback, alas, our lives are never perfect... Keep on "keepin' on"! As the coaches always say, "There is no "I" in team". We are ALL on your team! As always you are all in our thoughts & prayers. May THE FORCE be with you, Marie Carriere