Wednesday, June 4, 2008

update #68 from Linda

Hello! I just got home from the hospital, and wanted to take a minute to share how well Steve is doing. He's back "home" in rehab, with all his pictures and other stuff in his room, the remote he likes, and the medical people who are his biggest cheerleaders. Rob figured out today that if he gets one pain pill every three hours it controls the pain but keeps his head clear for therapy, etc. He had a full day of therapy today and handled everything well. Rob said he actually had a fantastic day in PT. They also extended his stay until June 27th!

Beth, Steve, and I had a couple hours together tonight, and we had lots of laughs. It was so nice. Steve communicated through a combination of talking (not easy to understand, but we're getting better at it), air writing, hand signals, and writing on paper. He told a funny story about someone in PT, talked about Carl the lobster, and planned ways to shop for a birthday gift for Danielle (one idea was that he could sit in his wheelchair and hang onto a car while we drove him to the store!). I told him we need to write a book about this experience, and he said that Carl needs two chapters! I remember receiving a note from our cousins Ken and Kathy awhile ago, and they said they looked forward to the day when Steve would wake up and be Steve again. It struck me tonight that, in so many ways, that is happening.

I hope life is good for all of you!



Uncle Don said...

It is so good to hear that the hospiatl stay has been extended. I am sure Steve knows that this is a good thing. Get him a bit more steady on his feet...more defined verbally...and ability to swallow!! This time should help the therapists "tweak" these items and have Steve hit that ULTMATE goal, or walking out of the hosppital!

Stay Strong...our prayers are with you all!

Uncle Don & Aunt Gail

Anonymous said...

OMG!!'d dedicate TWO chapters to your old buddy Carl?? WOW! I feel SO loved!!! My claws are all sweaty just thinking on what an honor it would be to be mentioned in your book. We could talk about Maggie Margerine, Stella Shorting, maybe even Betty Butter? We could talk about my days at Red Lobster, and maybe my new diggs in your old protctive helmet!

You know...last night I was very thankful that they toss octopus on the ice for Red Wing games, and not good old lobsters...every time I saw the octopus on the ice, I could only think, "if that was me, I would crack!"

OK Buddy...enjoy your day in therapy, and keep up the good work!

Your BFF,

Anonymous said...


One of the teams taking part in Ryan's baseball tournament was warming up last night. Each kid was wearing a t-shirt that said

Are what deliver your dreams

I thought of you Steve. Have a great day. We are all so very proud of you.

Uncle Rick & Aunt Cheryl

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad and excited for Steve to be back to therapy so soon- that's awesome! keep up the amazing work!

Steve, you just rock. and I sort of got to see your "whole head" last Monday, but didn't want to disturb since you guys were having a group nap :-) You looked good though!

Keep on trucking! I'll see you soon!

love, Kyla

Anonymous said...

Dear Carl,
I saw this last night:

Anonymous said...

My world has been cold and dark without you. I realize now that I was spreading myself too thin, it's just that I was so whipped up when I saw you talking to Marge and that Shorty person. (You know they are only cheap substitutes for me!!) I want you back. No one can hold me like you. Plus, Danielle's home and I think she might be better for Steve's heart in the long run.

Call me,

June 4, 2008 11:15 PM

Anonymous said...

WOW! We are so happy for you and the team. How great to be getting shades of what is to come, you being you.
Ever in our prayers,
The Smith's

Anonymous said...

Steve - what great news! And how nice to "hear" the joy in your mom's post! We continue to be amazed and encouraged by your progress. Although it was hard to hear from Dani about the pain you were suffering post surgery, we do realize that no one epitomizes the adage "No Pain, No Gain" like you do! I'm planning to visit with Dani on Saturday - can't wait to see you!
- Laury