Monday, September 22, 2008

update #92 from Linda

Hi! Just a quick note...

We had a great meeting with a neurologist on Thursday who had taken the time to review all of Steve's files and spent a lot of time with us explaining things about his injury, CAT scans, recovery, etc. We have been hoping that the anti-seizure meds he is on could be reduced, and she agreed with that. We came away from that meeting with a wonderful feeling that we had found the perfect doctor for Steve. I have to tell you that this was the result of Rob being "hyper-vigilant" as one of the nurses has described him! He really pushed for this meeting, made tons of phone calls, emailed, gathered medical records, "rocked some boats"...a huge effort, but paid off big-time. :)

Steve had a nice weekend. Lots of rest, cards with Grandma, Saturday night movie, visits from friends and relatives, and tonight we went to Beth's to watch a movie and bake cookies. Can't tell you how nice that was. Thanks, Beth!

One little thing that happened that was so nice...I was helping Steve stand up in a small area and we would up face to face. It was pretty funny because we were so crowded, and I gave him a hug. He hugged back and we stood like that for some time...I realized that it had been such a long time since that could happen. I know a lot of his friends have commented that they can't wait until they can get a "Steve hug" and I wanted you to know that it won't be long!

Rob has some videos that he wants to post and we'll write more soon. But I just wanted to let you know that good things are happening, and to thank you for all the energy you continue to send his way.

Good night!



Anonymous said...

On Friday afternoon in PT, I was sitting next to Steve who was sitting on one of the large mat/tables. I put my arm around him and gave him a squeeze. I know exactly what you mean Lynn - sure felt wonderful!!

Also had quite a laugh at my expense. Mike, one of Steve's PT guys is going to be a grandpa any time now. Grandma Percha knitted a gift for his new grandsons. When I asked Mike if he was a grandpa yet, he asked me if I was the grandma who made the gifts.

I almost had a stroke and Steve cracked up!

Love, Aunt Gail

Anonymous said...

I cannot resist:

Aunt Gail - There are three unpublished novels chronicling moments of family laughter at your expense. I would only share this because we all love you - a lot !!

Anonymous said...

Uncle that you???? Flip the movie screen will ya!

Aunt Gail

Anonymous said...

Hey You All!

Remember this "Keppra---JUST SAY NO!

Anonymous said...

Linda, (and Steve)
I know well that long hug feeling and how that "fills you up" to sustain you until the next looooonnng hug!
Brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing a very personal moment.