Sunday, September 7, 2008

update #90 from Linda

Hello! I hope you all had a nice weekend.

Beth's 25th birthday was Saturday...Happy Birthday, Beth! So on Friday we took her out to dinner. Steve gave her a DVD player, which was an interesting gift since she didn't own a TV! We had a great evening. On Saturday we saw a movie ("Traitor"...Steve said it "held his interest all the way through"). Today Steve, Beth, and I went TV shopping :) and then to the mall for lunch and a haircut for Steve. That was lots of transferring in and out of the car, but that is no problem. We're SO thankful that he's comfortable going out and doing things, despite being in a wheelchair.

Allergy season has hit in full force, so we've been working to get him on appropriate meds for that, and also bought an air filter for his room which really seems to help. They did a chest x-ray a couple days ago because of the coughing, but there's no pneumonia...just allergies!

I'm back to work, which means I miss seeing therapy. But Rob and my mom keep me informed, and say that Steve continues to work harder than you can imagine. It shows in his strength and size. He has put on weight and muscles are reappearing. Today he squeezed Don's and Gail's hands (tightly) with his left hand and shocked the heck out of them. :) He did that to me a couple days ago and it took my breath away...just a few weeks ago that hand didn't do much of anything. All amazing, hopeful things. I just watched Danielle's video again. It's such a wonderful reminder of how far he's come in a few months, and doesn't even touch on the early days when we were excited if he could do things like hold his head up!

He has gotten back to texting, so please feel free to communicate with him in that way!

I hope life is good for all of you.



Anonymous said...

Sometimes Monday's do start out bright. Thanks for the update Lin. At least now Beth can watch the Obama/McCain debates and throw her full support toward her candidate John McCain. Sorry about that Central Michigan thumping at the hands of the Georgia Bulldogs. It is the burden we carry being number 1.5 in the nation.

See ya,
Uncle Rick

Anonymous said...

I was totally amazed and so pleased with the strength in Steve's left hand yesterday. As we played cards, I also noticed positive things there too (besides him beating the crap out of me!).

Way to go Steve!!
Love, Aunt Gail

Unknown said...

Hey Steve! Just wanted to drop a quick note letting you know we are still thinking about you and checking in on the blog daily, the updates are great and I am so happy for you!
(Ryan is sitting next to me and he thinks you should teach the family 99 next time you play cards)

Thank you for the updates!
Kira and Ryan

Uncle Don said...

If I may....I want to share with those who read this blog, a story from this past week that gave me goose bumps! Gail and I were visiting with Steve this past Wednesday, and it was almost time for the daily lottery draws, well, Linda asked Gail and I to step out just for a moment. Well, as we stepped out, I asked Steve to watch the 3 digit and fantasy five. Here's the cool part of the story, Gail and I came back into the room, and Linda said that she wrote the numbers down. I blurted out, "What was the 3 digit", and this booming voice says, "909"!!! It was Steve!!! It was the most powerful I have heard him speak since the accident at the Memorial.

Keep those prayers coming Steve's way, they ARE working!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,
This is Chelsea Rhodes - your 'ole middle school/high school pal. :-) I just wanted to let you know that you're in my thoughts all the time. I am in complete awe of the strength you have. I am thankful I was able to get your blog info from your mom. Reading about the "tough road" (understatement of the century!) you've had since February really fills me with an unbelievable respect for you. You have come so far. I am positive the future holds much brighter days for such a bright person. We are all in your corner with lots of love.
P.S. I'd love to come visit sometime!