Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Update #81 from Linda

Hello! Yesterday was a little crazy...

They decided Steve's feeding tube has to be changed. It's leaking on the outside, and taped to contain the leak, but the time has come for a new one. Nothing urgent. It will be done by threading a guide wire along the one he has, removing it, and putting a new one in. No surgery or plans for sedation.

Dr. Kelly has decided the time has come to use botox to relax Steve's inner thigh muscles. He'll probably inject it one day this week - several shots in each thigh. It takes a week to take effect, and lasts for 3-6 months. They think this will help with his walking and give his outer thigh muscles a chance to get stronger without fighting the ones in his inner thigh, and reduce his tendency to walk with a sort of "scissor" gait.

The neuro doctors visited and made recommendations regarding meds. At this point Steve is considered to be someone who has had a seizure, but not someone with a seizure disorder. Anyone can have a seizure for a number of reasons, and many people do. But his seizure "threshold" is most likely lower due to his injury, and they want to find the right combination of meds to make sure he doesn't have another, and keep him alert at the same time. His new doctors (in rehab) are Dr. Kelly and Dr. Kendall, and they have been wonderful, and are on top of this issue. They changed a few things starting today, and will be tracking Steve's reaction and making adjustments as we go forward.

While all this was going on (and it was all going on at pretty much the same time) we got a phone call from Grams to say that she was in emergency after having some weird symptoms on the way to the car. So Steve and I visited her there, which was quite a sight for the people in emergency! It was pretty funny to have Steve be the visitor instead of the patient...we all had a few laughs over that! They ran some tests, and think Grams was de-hydrated...she's following up with her doctor. :)

Needless to say, Steve pretty much slept through all his visitors last night. He needs lots of sleep anyway, but yesterday really wore him out. It was a good day though, with things getting discussed and resolved.

Have a nice Wednesday, everyone!



Anonymous said...

Wanted to report that Grams is a little tired but doing fine. I spent the night with her last night to keep an eye on her. She promised to take it easy today...put her feet up and read a book!

Thank you Uncle Russ, Aunt Lynn and Cody for bringing her home.

Aunt Gail

Anonymous said...

Good news for all, that's great. Gran go easy and enjoy a good read for time. You have earned it.
Linda thanks for the great up date.

Uncle Don said...

Now that's a busy day!

May God help guide the Doctor's as they try to find the right combination of seizure meds.

The botox thing is interesting. Just think Steve, your inner thighs won't wrinkle!! :) Aunt Cheryl, don't try that at home!