Wednesday, July 2, 2008

update #77 from Linda

Hello! Some new and good things that have been happening...

Steve's discharge date has been extended to July 25th! YEAH!

Patrick (his OT therapist) is working with Rob F. (OT clinical specialist) to look into the possibility that scar tissue in Steve's neck is causing problems with speaking, swallowing, and even facial expressions. Rob F. is convinced that this is happening. They're using massage/pressure to release the tightness of the scar tissue, and it seems that as time goes on they'll show us ways to help him, and show Steve ways to help himself. Today they were explaining all this to Steve, as well as explaining the workings of his diaphram. They offered encouragement that they are aware of the challenges he faces, and are going to figure this out and help him get well. His life will be so much nicer when the swallowing issue is resolved!

Patrick is also working with Steve so that he can wash up, get dressed, etc. Today he had him sitting in a regular chair washing his feet. His nurse went in to get something and almost had heart failure, but we are so glad to see him being given such opportunities/challenges! As of a couple days ago he has also graduated to using a regular shower chair instead of the high-backed one that he could be strapped into that he's used all along. So much easier and more comfortable for him, and an indication of the neck/back/shoulder strength he is gaining.

He's been doing lots of walking in PT, needing less support all the time. Today they had him side-stepping, and yesterday using his right hand to bat a balloon back and forth with a friend while standing up. Jason (PT) said he's noticed recently that Steve can relax/unclench both of his hands better than he could even a few days ago.

Uncle Dave and his family stopped by to visit last night. Dave had a moment alone with Steve to share some words of encouragement with him, and to tell him how financially amazing the golf outing was. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Steve's reaction and wished I had a camera so that all of you could see it, too. He couldn't stop grinning. It's hard to think of the words to describe his reaction, but I think it was partly shock, partly thankfulness, partly pure joy, and partly relief (from financial worries he had on his mind). A perfect moment and a wonderful mental boost for him. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all.

I hope life is good for all of you!



Anonymous said...

"Yeah come on, Steve"'s so great to hear of the extension on his stay, and how well he is doing. I hope they can get to the bottom of the speech issue so Steve can progress even more, it must be very frustrating for him knowing he could possibly do something, between the swallowing and the talking, if it weren't for something in the way. You see how well everything else is working and know his brain is fully funtional and I could see when we were there several weeks ago...he just wants to be able to talk. I think he has a lot to say. And I know he has a lot of eating to do to make up for lost time with the swallowing issue. We are offering to buy him his first dinner out at "Red Lobster", if thats where he wants his first Lobster meal to come from when the time arrives. Hope you have a Happy 4th of July.

Love and prayers to all,
(Aunt) Cheryl, Uncle Rick, Alyssa, Alexis and Ryan

Is Uncle Don sleeping or taken ill, am I the first one to post...I beat Uncle Don???

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July Steve, Linda, Rob, Beth, Danielle and Granny (mom). Hope your day is a sunny one. Bought some M-80's (officially now called Silver Salutes), time to blow some things up. Ah the memories!!

Our best to all of you,
Uncle Rick

Uncle Don said...


Today, about 15 of the youth from St. Aidan along with some adult chaperones, depart for World Youth Day in Sydney Austrailia. They carry with some special intentions of prayer for YOU on this journey. This trip climaxs with a Mass with the Pope, so your intentions are making to the Big Guy, the Holy Father.

These young adults and teenagers have been praying for you since February. They ask about you all the time, and check the blog periodically. They come back around the 24th of this month. I know in my heart the Lord will hear their prayers for you, and you will be able to swallow with ease and on command. The power of prayer works Steve! You are a living example of that!

Love always,
Uncle Don & Aunt Gail