Saturday, January 17, 2015

Update 141 from Linda and Rob

Happy New Year to Steve's Army! We hope all is well with you and hope that you all had a Merry Christmas.

We were happy to have Steve's sister Beth home twice in December, and grateful for the chance to spend time with family and friends.

We have been moving along down the path of Steve's recovery. Steve has been going to therapy six days a week and that will continue. We are still swimming on Sundays and horseback riding after Tuesday therapy. We have also tried a different type of Speech therapy called the LOUD  program. It forces Steve to try to get his speech to a higher level by measuring the decibels of his volume. It's a program that ran with a therapist for six weeks, then requires follow-through at home.

Our plan is to put more effort towards Steve's vision issue this year. As much as we like to do the Golf Cart thing, we are finding it hard to borrow one like we have in the past. Rob has contacted a local indoor go kart facility and has obtained permission to use it, but the time slot they offered could not be utilized while we were doing the LOUD program. Now that the program is finished we hope to be able to try karting.  We are also checking out driving simulation equipment so we can try to "drive" at home.

We encourage you all to text Steve whenever you feel like it. This is his main form of communication and his touch of a normal life. His phone number is 248-770-6092. If you can we would like to have some of you call Steve on his cell to practice his speech. Please contact Lin or Rob to set this up.

Thank you again for your support!  Take good care of yourselves.

Rob and Linda


Schuman said...

Steve should have no problem being loud. I remember screaming with him every fall Saturday. Just tell him we're losing the game and we need "D"..."Fense"..."D"..."Fense"

I'd love to set up a phone call with Steve. Also, what about Facetime?


Rob said...

Thank You Ryan. We will be in touch.