Saturday, October 4, 2014

Update 140 from Lin and Rob

Hello to Steve's Army. Hope all is well with you.

As we continue to write our Thank You notes from the Golf Outing (Thanks for your patience),  we would like to make you all aware of the latest happenings on our road to recovery.

The first is a 5K Brooksie Way Race that we all entered along with some great assistance from three of Steve's therapists. It was run at the Oakland University Campus on an absolutely perfect day. Steve is getting much more adept at controlling the Terra Trike. He can drive the trike very well, so well in fact that we no longer just move at a walking pace.  When going downhill Steve goes much faster and therefore we need help that can keep up with him. Rob usually catches up on an uphill leg. Many Thanks to Shruti, Nick, and Lori without whom this day would never have happened.
(please see pic/video)

As noted previously we are attempting to put more effort into vision and speech therapy. That said, we have obtained contacts at local indoor soccer and go-karting facilities. Our hopes are that over the winter we can untilize these places to keep Steve's vision therapy consistent by driving go-karts and the trike.

We have also contacted another Speech therapist regarding a "Big and Loud" program that should also help Steve in that regard. We are hopeful that we can fit it in to his schedule.

Thank you for continuing to sending positive thoughts and prayers Steve's way!

Linda and Rob

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