Friday, September 18, 2009

Update #112 from Linda

Hi! I hope life is good for all of you.

I wanted to share some of the things that are happening...

Steve has now had three riding lessons (#4 is tomorrow). Last time he was noticeably better able to stay centered on Malabar (the horse he rides), maintain his posture, and ride for a longer time before getting tired out. We'll try to get a video tomorrow to share with you. We were shocked at the improvements we saw (as was his instructor) after only three lessons.

When Steve was in the hospital he had a couple massages, and we have been trying to get that into our routine for quite some time. It feels good to him, and well as helping with stretching (something we do daily). We have found a massage therapist who is now coming to our house weekly, along with his fiancee. I can't tell you what a blessing they are. They believe that they can help improve Steve's life, and are thankful for that opportunity. He is very comfortable with them and does a lot of talking when they're around. A wonderful relationship for many reasons!

The goofed-up botox treatment that was done to Steve's left leg a few months ago has suddenly corrected itself (worn off) and he can once again pivot, climb stairs, and put weight on his leg more easily. Walking, of course, is also improved because of this. Still a long way to go, but better than it was even a week ago.

All of a sudden Steve is able to handle thin liquids more easily. For example, tonight he and Rob stopped at Starbucks and he got a large iced drink. In the past, we would put it in a thermos cup and he would sip it for hours. Tonight it stayed in the original cup and he drank it in about 45 minutes with no problem. He is also eating more efficiently and with little TMJ trouble. Good things. Great things!

Speech is interesting. His voice sounds sort of like the voice of someone who is deaf, and is very weak and soft. But during the past week or so we are at times hearing a louder and slightly more powerful voice. He is more determined to speak to us, and only uses other communication methods as a last resort. We're hopeful that this is a sign of good things to come!

We have been going to the gym for many months now. Each time we go Steve works out on about five machines. In the past this could easily take 2 1/2 hours or more. Sometimes he would sit on a machine for 30-45 minutes, unable to get it going. He knew what to do, but just couldn't quickly command his body to do what it needed to do. The last three times we've gone, Steve was able to complete his workout in 1 - 1 1/2 hours. Plus he has added weight to all the machines, and has started working on some new muscles. He remembers the things he used to do, and looks around for appropriate machines. It's so good to have him actively involved in this part of his recovery!

We continue to decrease Steve's meds. He's down to a very small amount of one stimulant, a very small amount of an anti-seizure drug, and something for his stomach. We have been going through hospital records at the request of a new therapy facility and have been reminded of the huge numbers of meds he's been on in the past...we're so glad those days are just a memory!

We are still working on getting some traditional and non-traditional therapy in place for him and getting some things ironed out with insurance. Also are working on an idea with a phone that has a speech feature. Hope to report good news in both of these areas soon!

We are, as always, thankful to all of you for the support you provide in so many ways. The emotional support helps us stay focused and thinking positively. The financial support helps with things like horseback riding and massage, which help Steve so much. Thanks so much for your friendship, and for continuing to read this blog.

Take care.



Anonymous said...

Linda....thanks for the update. I was thinking that perhaps the massages are getting the old blood flow going to areas that may have been lacking. Just a thought. Nonetheless, it is always great to see and hear Steve continues to drive to the hoop, and is taking NO prisoners!

Uncle Don

Anonymous said...

This was a wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing Steve's progress.

J Adams said...

Good stuff Steve! Keep up the hard work.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are really making progress, Steve!!! It's exciting and I'm so happy for you! And thank you Mr. and Mrs. Percha for continuing to update this blog.

Go Blue! Go Lions!! :)

~Ashley Talsma

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say hello and that I am still following your journey. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. God is good...always, even in the little daily ways!
Jane Wendyker