Thursday, August 27, 2009

Update #111 from Linda

Hi! I hope all is well!

This week Steve started horseback riding lessons. One of his doctors said, "Great!" and the other just about had a heart attack at the thought of him on a horse! Anything he tries makes us a little nervous, but that's just life. In any case, his instructor is very kind and capable. She and two other people led the horse (BIG) and stood on either side of Steve helping him keep his balance. They'd walk a little ways then stop so he could adjust his posture, etc. He rode with just a blanket on the horse and a handle that was strapped around it. Used lots of muscles that hadn't been used in ages, and was pretty tired after a half hour, but did fine. At the end they helped him slide off and land on his feet, which was pretty amazing. A good experience. We'll be going once each week.

After sleeping on real beds in Manistee and Muskegon, we realized that Steve's hospital bed was keeping him from moving around much, and he certainly can (and should) do that now. So we got him a queen sized bed and he sleeps so much better. We still have some "bugs" to work out, like finding a footboard that he can push against with his feet that's high and sturdy enough for him, and probably getting some guard rails for the sides. But we're managing right now and feeling like we should have done this a long time ago.

We are always looking for ways to help Steve communicate. His ability to text is pretty startling to many people...he's very quick at it, and the language he uses is just like the pre-injury Steve. So, to his friends, please keep in touch with him in this way! Today we're going to the Apple store to check out the I-Phone and I-Touch (I think that's what they're called) which have a feature that allows you to type then hit a "speak" button. Wish me well...I'm not the most technical person! He has a speaking device that we got several months ago, but it's large and he rarely uses it.

Tomorrow we visit a new rehab facility. Please cross your fingers. The admissions person and I had such a nice conversation...she understands our position as far as insurance, and the fact that we're looking for some guidance and expertise. This is a place that our new doctor has a connection with and that is the reason they're willing to see us. They're not sure how much therapy time they can offer us, but this is a good first step and we're thankful for it.

I hope life is good for all of you. Take care!




Anonymous said...

As Linda stated previously, Muskegon was just wonderful. Don't know what it is about "Up North" but we are all drawn to it. Had a nice afternoon with Steve, Linda, Grams and Rob at the beach. Amazing how fast you can get fried. Spending time with everyone was great - whether it was playing cards, watching TV, reading a book or just hanging out, it was so nice to be together. The casino wasn't bad either...glad Steve and Grams won. Me...I couldn't do squat, right Steve?? Can't wait to see you ride. I may just have to tag along with you.
Love, Aunt Gail

Anonymous said...

We are still keeping you in our thoughts and prayers as always, Steve, Linda, Rob, and Beth. You are a brave, positive family, and we are proud to be related to you. :) Love, The Holland Dummers

Anonymous said...

We're rooting for your continuted successes Steve! Love you always!
the Horn Family.

Anonymous said...


Great weekend for some football !!!

Wolverines amazing comeback, Falcons continue to show that Atlanta is for real, the Lions ..... never mind.

Just wanted you to know that the Atlanta cheering section is thinking about you. Alexis wanted me to be sure to say "hi" to you.

Keep up the great work. See if you can get Uncle Dave on a horse. If so, I want a picture.

Uncle Rick