Friday, October 31, 2008

Update #97 from Rob and Linda

Happy Halloween to you all. We didn't pass out candy this year, as the doorbell ringing sends the dog into barking hysterics, which startles Steve. Despite the fact that our lights were off, several groups of kids rang the bell and we wound up with a plate of spagetti launched in the family room! Nothing to do but laugh about it!

It hardly seems like 10 days since the last update and 21 since Steve came home. We are starting to get into a routine and it feels good to do the same thing the same way, more than once. As Lin mentioned, Steve and I travel to Med-Rehab in Ann Arbor Monday thru Thursday for therapy. We are trying to get him to see Speech, OT and PT for an hour each day 4X per week. He was getting 90 minutes of OT and PT per day in the hospital, but that was split up into two 45 minute sessions before and after lunch. We have asked to keep our appointments in the afternoon with the winter coming up. Thankfully, Beth lives in Ann Arbor, so we might invade her if the weather gets bad!

Trying to get the needed supplies is also a daunting task, but so far so good. You really don't realize how easy it was in the hospital, until you leave.

We have great therapists, and as before, they seem to have taken a special interest in Steve. We are seeing more spontaneous use of the left hand and arm. In PT we are seeing that a walking machine that Steve could not use before, works well now that he has some strength in the left arm. The task is to get Steve to keep his feet from crossing in front of each other. This usually happens when he gets tired.

We plan to start short therapy sessions at home so we can keep Steve "in shape" so to speak. Getting more involved in Steve's therapy will be good for us all. If you'd like to help out with this, please let us know. :) It can be as simple, but important, as having him say words to complete sentences.

Our home design is also helping strengthen Steve's legs. Being a Quad Level, we have added railings to both sides of each stairway and Steve has little problem getting up and down with one of us standing with him. This will only get better as he gains more strength on the left side.

Steve seems so rested to us since leaving the hospital. A dark, quiet room works wonders! He gets about 10 hours of sleep every night. We have also started giving him small doses (which will be slowly increased) of a different anti-seizure medicine, which his neurologist wanted him on. It took us days to get up the courage to actually give it to him, but haven't noticed any side effects. We think timing is everything, and make sure he gets it after tube feeds.

We are thankful for everyone who comes by to see Steve at home, as well as the countless others who send energy, prayers, emails, cards, meals, etc. We treasure you all! Beth keeps Steve supplied with Sudoku puzzles and chocolate chip cookies, which just cracks us up, as he never used to eat junk food!

Please continue to keep Steve in your thoughts and prayers. We're also asking for your prayers for a teacher at the high school Beth and Steve attended. He fell while hunting last weekend and suffered an injury to his spine (neck). He was airlifted to UofM Hospital and is in the ICU there. His family reports that he has been able to breathe on his own for up to 36 minutes, and that he now has some feeling in his upper arms. We don't know him, but this hits a little too close to home. We know what miracles you have worked for Steve, so please keep "Kirk" in your thoughts.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! We're taking Steve for his first "official" haircut in a long time, and hoping to enjoy the beautiful weather and maybe see a movie. :)

Rob and Linda


Anonymous said...

Had a nice afternoon with Steve yesterday. Had some lunch, spent some time outside soaking up the sun and played poker. I have to tell you, Steve plays a mean game. He usually wins and is great at bluffing. Grams brought over some nickles so we can bet and more than once I've been busted. There sits the pile of nickles, my nickles, next to Steve. If anyone likes to play, I'm sure Steve would love out though!
Love, Aunt Gail

Anonymous said...

Steve, I hope you're doing good at your house, because everyone cares about you! Oh yea, tommorrow is my birthday, maybe you can come over and help me celebrate. And remember Steve, everyone cares about you.

Love, your cousin

Anonymous said...

This was a wonderful post. It ia another demonstration of how your family continues to put in a tremendous amount of effort to maintain the groundword for Steve's improvement.

Anonymous said...

You truly are an amazing and loving family! With the way your world has been rocked this year, you continue to think of others. Also, with all of the various bumps in the road that Steve has encountered, he is always thankful for whatever little assistance is passed his way. Your family is just wonderful to be around, may your example teach others what family and love are all about. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

love reading your blogs and hearing all the positive news. Linda G. said it was great seeing you at Target and getting a personal update on Steve. Love, your friends at Central

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I've only had the pleasure of hanging out with Steve a few times, but he was always a sweetheart and I would consider him a friend. I've kept up with his progress through this blog, and now I feel like I potentially may be able to offer some help. I am in OT school now and live near Ann Arbor. Seeing as how you want to start short at home therapy sessions, maybe I can help..

Jeff Adams' friend, Jamie

Anonymous said...


Yeah, Come on!!!1 It's been a long time since I have sent an email, but our life is a whirlwind of activity. I sent your family a couple of email's about Ryan and Alexis and next Alyssa. So have your Mom read them to you and have your Dad show you Alyssa's Homecoming pictures...she is gorgeous!!! Hard to believe she is going to be 15, and able to start driving...Yikes!!! We are so happy you are home, there is nothing quite like it!!! Glad to hear about all the progress you are making. I am glad the seizure was not "too bad', and your back on meds for it and they don't seem to affecting you as much..sometimes you just have to find the right medicine, and everyone reacts to every medicine differently. So hopefully this will help and be the right one for you. Keep up that strength training. Your Uncle Rick was trying to pin me down yesterday and I fought back pretty good, and he said "boy, you have gotten strong' even as an "old lady" you can get stronger, so I know you can do it!!! And I have a lot of years on you, and Uncle Rick got his AARP card if that tells you anything (have your parents explain it)!!! Not a pleasant thing to be reminded of. Did you ever get to Red Lobster??? If you did and or even if you didn't we would love to send your parents a gift card so they could take you and Beth, when that is an "approved item" on your food list. Let us know. Lots of Love and Prayers and keep up the good work!!! Have your Mom send us your cell phone #, and I can give it to the kids and they will "text" you and then some...that is how they communicate. Your first dating these days is "texting" each other...a little different from when we grew up.

Love Aunt Cheryl and family

Chelsea Jahn said...

Hey Steve and Family!! It sounds like you guys are doing great at home. I have been thinking and praying about you. You have made enormous progress and are continuing to make new progress each and every day! Please know that you are thought about multiple moments each day. See you soon!!

Love, Chelsea Jahn